Friday, December 30, 2011

Joy Comes to Stay

What do we do when the black cloud lingers?
When disappointments hang overhead?
What do we do when joy slips through our fingers?
When great expectations turn sour instead?

Where are God's answers at times like these?
Why is there silence from the Prince of Peace?

But He holds the tapestry of our lives
He weaves the perfect end
We are not losers, with Him we'll eventually win

It may be further down the road when we find the answer
It may be when we see Him face to face
But every tear, every pain, every scar He surely will erase

Pain comes to every life
Father God will hold us in His arms
Pain comes to every life
But Jesus heals us from everything that harms

Victory awaits the upright
Joy comes to stay
When we wait upon the Lord
He will make a way

Sorrow may visit for a night
But in the morning, joy comes to stay

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Change don’t come easy for this old stubborn mule
But You know how to humble me
A sharp rebuke is sometimes the best thing for me
With Your help, Lord, I’ll gallop down the trail
The one that leads me to Your ranch

I’m sorry for messing things up
For being stiff like a stick in the wind
Help me to create new habits
Habits that round up for me your blessings
And that cause me to ride on with excellence and honor
Keep me true, Lord, until the setting of the sun

Thursday, December 22, 2011


One day we shall cross the great divide
Those of us who have embraced Christ
Will find eternal, unspeakable joy
In the company of loved ones gone before
In the presence of the One
Who heals all hurts
Who will encompass us with glory

He is seated on the Throne
Justice and Mercy reign
He who is seated on the Throne
Is like no other
He is Love and Truth personified
He is our Champion, our victory

One day we will meet Him face to face
He will not turn His gaze
He will hold us in His loving embrace
Oh Lord, come quickly

Monday, December 19, 2011

What Gift Are You After?

Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2 KJV

Of all the gifts you could obtain this Christmas, what would you like to receive? If you could have anything... anything, what would it be? What gift are you after? Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in hopes of being God-like. Cain desired the death of his brother. Samson coveted beautiful women. These represent individuals with desires that missed the mark of God's design. But Solomon sought wisdom, David longed for God's presence, and John desired to walk in love.

Temporal things have there place. God does care about our finances. He still heals diseases and causes mountains to move as we speak His word. But some things have a higher priority in God's economy. God desires for us to have a passion for Him above all else.

This Christmas let's set our affections on things above. If you haven't accepted God's gift of salvation to you, please pray the following prayer from your heart. If you're sincere, the Lord will save you from your sin, you will begin a wonderful relationship with the One who created you, and you will enjoy eternal life.

Dear Father God,

I admit to you that I am a sinner and that I have missed the mark of Your holiness. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I thank you for sending Jesus to die for me in my place, to take upon Himself the penalty of my sin. I believe Jesus rose from the dead. I believe I am forgiven, and I choose to live for You with all of my heart. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

If this is the first time you've prayed a prayer like this, let me say congratulations. You are now a member of God's family. You are born again, and one day you will enter into heaven. Let me encourage you to take the following steps.

Read the Bible – Read a little bit each day. Start with the gospel of John.

Pray daily – Prayer is talking to God. It is two-way communication. The Lord wants to hear your voice and your heart, and He also wants to communicate His loving thoughts to you.

Share your newfound relationship with Christ to others. They too need to hear the good news.

Ask the Lord to baptize you in His Holy Spirit.

Ask the Lord to lead you to a Bible-believing, Spirit-filled church.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Love Incarnate

Here is a poem I included as a post last year.  I hope you like it....

Centuries before the prophets foretold
Of the coming of the King
When the time arrived, on that blessed night
The angels began to sing

The shepherds were thrilled with the news that filled
The cold, crisp air that first Christmas
A Baby born to save the world
This suffering, Servant, witness

Behold the Lamb lying in a manger
Love incarnate
He comforts the lost stranger
Bethlehem's Savior

Ruler of every king
To Jew and Gentile freedom rings
He came to give us all we need
This Baby boy we worship

Emanuel, God with us
We live to honor You
You are the Life and the Way
And yes, You are the Truth

We worship You O God-Child
You soon will come again
In power and in glory
To judge the living and the dead

Help us to spread Your message far and wide
The true tale of Love personified
Teach us each to sincerely love
To view each one as God does

Let us worship the Lamb
Love incarnate
The Great I Am

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Choosing Humility

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30

We find peace when we yield to the Spirit's way and do not push against it. When we take upon ourselves the yoke of our Lord, He helps us along the path of life. The way of the Lord is found by those who choose humility. It is an easy way – one where Jesus helps us carry the weight of our burdens.

But the proud in heart oppose God, and God opposes them. 1 Peter 5:5 puts it this way, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Grace is the Lord's enabling power. The Lord stops the proud but extends his hand to lift up the lowly.

When we surrender our lives to the Lord, we find rest. Peace saturates us, and the Father guides us in the way of peace towards Him and towards others.

When we embrace humility, we also find that Christ is there to teach us His precious truths. His wisdom daily transforms us and makes us holy.

Let's surrender our wills to God. Let's choose humility. Though we will still experience troubles in this life, we will find our burdens to be much lighter. We will find rest for our souls. Let's not push against God's way for our lives, instead let's dive into the plan and purposes that God has for each of us.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

No Ordinary Child

A Baby was born two millennia ago
This was no ordinary Child
Conceived by the Holy Spirit
Son of Joseph and Mary
Yet Son of God

Shepherds heard the angels sing
Glory to the newborn King
Hosanna in the highest

Born in a manger
Surrounded by farm animals
The stuff of earth

This One now leads us
This One now saves us
This One is the Word made flesh

Fully man, fully God
The child became our Master
King of kings and Lord of lords

You were God before
You are God now
In ages past, You created the world
Along with the Father and the Spirit
The Three, One
You created paradise

When man fell
You made a way of redemption
You willingly came to earth
To live
To die
To live again

Your death paid the ransom for our souls
You were born as a baby
To live before us
To preach, teach, heal, and deliver
To suffer and die in our place
On the cruel cross

We gave you our sin
You gave us Your righteousness
Without You we are nothing

Thank you for leaving glory
To come and live among us
Lord, we owe you everything we have
And everything we are

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Hope steadfastly in the Lord
With confident expectation
A belief in promises fulfilled

Hope paints a vision for our future
Hope deferred makes the heart sick
But a longing fulfilled is a tree of life

Hope is a firm foundation
An anchor for the soul
As we hope unswervingly
We become stable like the mighty oak

Hope yields a bright future
Growing brighter and brighter till the full day

Our hope like a flower
Opens up to the Son
All glory to the Eternal One
Who is faithful
He will bring our every dream
That bows to His sovereign will
To pass

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Take Heart

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Let's face it, this world is not always an inviting place. Things don't always turn out the way we would like them to. People can let us down. The circumstances surrounding our lives can sometimes cause us to suffer hardship. Jesus promised us that in this world we would have trouble, but He said, “...take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

If your days seem dark and difficult, know that as you put your trust in the Lord, He will bring you out into a spacious place. He will cause you to rise up from the ashes. He will heal you from all disappointment. The Lord will comfort you in the midst of your duress, and He will bring you out. He will cause you to shine even brighter than you did before. And He will use you to comfort others with the comfort that God has shown you.

The Lord is close to us when we experience trouble. Let's put our trust in Him; we will not be ashamed. He is the God of all comfort and the God of hope. If things seem hopeless, know that God is in control. He will heal you, He will comfort You, and He will cause you to overcome every obstacle. He will refine you during this time and will cause you display His glory more clearly to those that need Him. Take heart my friend, God is on your side.

Dear Father God,

I thank You that You hear my every prayer. I ask You to be with me in the hard times. I ask You to perfect me and to bring me out into a spacious place. I thank You that I am an overcomer. Thank You for causing me to shine brighter and brighter until the day of Christ's coming. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Seek Him First

I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” Lamentations 3:21

What do you long for? What do you seek after? Is it comfort and security? Is it financial abundance? How about vibrant health or a miracle of healing? There is nothing wrong with pursuing the fulfillment of these desires. In fact, God promises us these things in the Scriptures. But the Lord wants us to seek first the things of God. He wants us to desire above all things to be found in Him, to be clothed in His righteousness.

The Lord is to be our portion. This means that to each of us our relationship with Him must be paramount. We must seek to be in His Presence always. We must desire Him above all other things. Yes, the Lord desires to bless us, but He is also a jealous God and He will fight to secure His place as King of our hearts. Lets seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these things we desire will be added unto us (See Matthew 6:33) in the Lord’s way and in His time.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Thankful Life

Give thanks for all He has done
And for all He has yet to do

Let gratitude ring true in our hearts
Like a symphony of praise
Like a beautiful song
Let thankful harmonies
Echo throughout the earth

We are called to be thankful
To praise the One who made us
To praise the One who fills us with His Spirit

Praise is comely for the upright
A thankful heart brings us joy
It causes our countenance to shine

Lifted hands receive God’s glory
Praise opens windows
For the Father’s blessings to pour down upon us

When we thank and praise Him
The enemy runs out of town

Let’s cultivate a thankful heart
Thankful lips
And a thankful life

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Tale of Sam Sunder

Almost a year ago, Sam Sunder lost his footing only to find himself belly up floating downstream during one of the area's greatest floods. Sam was tiny then, and the tragedy separated him from all family and friends.

As an orphan, he had to pick up information along the way. Growing up can be difficult without someone to teach you. But Sam was smart, though perhaps not very wise. He learned quickly how to gather leaves and save for the future. He became an expert at dodging long-beaked birds and curious children, who laughed and ran in the woods looking for a Science specimen.

But Sam had one problem. It hounded him every morning and every night regardless if the day was happy or sad. He observed his world and found many wonders such as the prancing deer, the howling bear, the princely fox, and the regal eagle – in Sam's estimation, this was God's most amazing animal. He thought, To fly, now that would be heavenly! His mind soon mocked him, and he wondered why God made him a worm. I am the most lowly of creatures, of what use am I?

Past the tree where Sam sat brooding, a serious meeting of robins formed. As they gathered round, their chief counselor pronounced judgment on a young, wounded bird. “He has been injured quite severely and will never fly again. He can no longer be part of our clan. This is his own doing – a careless oversight on his part!” Then after a brief pause, the counselor pointed to the fledgling and said, “You young lad, will no longer be part of our alliance. We will have to let you go.” With that the flock of robins took to flight and left the hapless creature to fend for himself.

Sam watched the brown bird nursing his wing. With hesitation, he maneuvered his way nearer and said, “Hey there Mr. Robin, you look like you could use some help.”

“Yes, I guess I could. I've had an unfortunate fall.”
"Listen,” said Sam, “I can help you, just as long as you promise not to eat me.”
“Not a problem,” replied the Robin, “besides, I prefer eating berries.”
With that agreed, Sam built a comfortable place for the bird to rest using sticks and leaves, and he also made the robin a splint for his wing. Sam learned that the bird's name was Jeremy, and the two of them became best friends.

Jeremy often told Sam stories of his adventures in the air. Like the time he fell asleep on a dead limb that broke free. By the time he woke up, he was only a few feet away from crashing to the ground. But Jeremy soared skillfully to safety.

Eventually, Jeremy's wing healed, he flew again, and both the bird and the worm gave thanks.
Sam was happy for his friend, and he accepted his place in life. He understood that maybe he would never be able to fly. He was, however, able to help his friend soar once again. Older, wiser, and now very sleepy, Sam crawled onto a large tree trunk and instinctively began to weave a cocoon around his long, fat body. He stayed there asleep for many days... Seasons change, even for Sam, and the day arrived when he awoke from his long nap. He struggled to get free from the cocoon's shell. It took some time, but he made his way out. Sam looked at his new body and was amazed at the metamorphosis. He soon discovered he had wings to fly. After a time of adjustment to his new wings, he sailed effortlessly through the air with his friend Jeremy.

Sam looked beyond himself and his own worries to help another in need. He spent time at Jeremy's side, nursing him to health. In the end, after enabling Jeremy to recover, Sam's own desire of being airborne transpired. When we reach out to others in the Spirit of Christ's love, enabling them to succeed, many times we discover that our own God-inspired dreams take flight.

© Copyright 2011 by Tom Toya. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thank You for Your Mercy

Don't sit in darkness
Your back turned to the light
Open up and let the Daystar shine on you

There is forgiveness for you
No matter how far you've strayed
The Father will run to you
And restore you
He will remove all your shame

His mercies are new every morning
There is a time to mourn over sin and failure
But after He washes us
After we have turned from our sin
To the Master
We must stand in His righteousness

We who are Christ followers
Are the redeemed, the forgiven
Gratitude rises up in our hearts

Let us forgive those who have harmed us
Let us proclaim His mercy
Without Him we are nothing
Without His touch we are utterly broken

But He has redeemed us
Because of His blood
We have been made completely righteous
Right-standing with God is our breastplate
Thank you Lord for Your great and abundant mercy
Thank you for forgiving us when we each had lost our way

Monday, October 17, 2011

Enter into His Joy

His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.' Matthew 25:21

Real joy is a fruit of the Spirit. It infuses us with strength, enthusiasm, and motivation. Did you know that real joy is also a product of our faithfulness to God? When we cultivate and use the talents the Lord has given us for His kingdom pursuits, we discover joy in the process. In the parable of the talents, the master commended two out of three of the servants for their faithfulness. He promised to give them greater responsibility and influence. He also promised to cause them to enter into his joy. The third servant fearfully hid his talent in a hole in the ground. His master said he was a wicked and lazy servant. He rewarded the servant by banishing him to a place of torment.

When we pursue God's assignment for our lives, when we cultivate our gifts and talents, the Lord fills us with joy. But when we ignore our Master's plan for our lives, we suffer the torment of knowing we are not fulfilling His will. I would encourage you to assess your life. Ask the Lord to uncover your gifts. Trust him to reveal to you what your contribution to the kingdom is to be. Then go after it. As you are faithful, you will live with a sense of purpose, and you will enter into His joy.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Your Majesty (We Don’t Deserve)

We don’t deserve the mercies You lavishly bestow
Your forgiveness that freely flows
The kindness that You always show

We deserve a place called hell
Where suffering never ceases
Where the imprisoned can’t find freedom

Where fear and pain reign
Where hopelessness remains

But You, Oh God, rescued us from shame
Filled us with Your praise
Healed our every pain

Thank you for giving us
What we do not deserve
One day in heaven we will serve
Your Majesty

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fear Not

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear immobilizes us like a poisonous dart that spreads paralysis. Fear is one of Satan’s most potent and most used weapons. All of us have been guilty of yielding to its sway at times. Fear has many faces. There is the fear of failure, the fear of man, the fear of sickness, the fear of responsibility, the fear of heights, the fear of being alone, and the fear of death to name a few.

The good news is that the remedy for this demonic foe is found in Christ. The word of God says that God has not given us a spirit of timidity or fear. Instead, he has clothed us with a spirit of power (God’s ability and authority), love, and self-discipline or a sound mind. When we are tempted to fear, we must speak God’s word against the enemy of our souls. 2 Timothy 1:7 is a good scripture to begin with. We have also been give authority to use the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus against our adversary. Here is an example of how we can pray and exercise spiritual warfare:

Father God, I thank you that You have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. In the name of Jesus, I command you spirit of fear to flee from me for I am covered by the blood of Jesus. You have no right to come against me. I command you to flee in Jesus name.

Father God I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit afresh and anew, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

We must recognize that we are in a spiritual battle and that fear is a spirit. It is also important that we learn to face our fears. Many times the enemy works to make us afraid to keep us from flowing in a spiritual gift. When I was a young Christian, I had a strong desire to tell others about the good news of salvation. There was one problem - I struggled with a fear of man and had a difficult time sharing my faith with unbelievers because of it. But I began to face my fears. I would buy gospel tracks and place them in phone booths and on car windows. These actions helped to break the fear of witnessing over me. Now I have much more freedom in this area and because of God’s grace I have had the opportunity of leading a number of people to Jesus.

If you are battling with a specific fear, identify it and ask God to help you overcome it. Stand on His word. Exercise spiritual warfare, and learn to face your fears. Step by step God will bring you out into the wide open space of His liberty.

The last thing I would like to remind you of is that God loves you. 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” The more we receive God’s love for us the more we will love Him and others and the more we will find release from fear. Meditate on scriptures that focus on God’s love for you. This kind of revelation will banish fear from your presence.

If you are feeling afraid, know that God has not left you alone. He has given you the tools to triumph. Take to heart what I have shared with you and put these things into practice. I believe the Lord would say to you, “Fear not my child for I am with you always.”

Saturday, September 24, 2011

God's Love

It's the greatest thing in heaven and earth
It triumphs over all the world

Its hand can heal the twisted soul
Make broken lives completely whole

It is love, God's love

When Christ hung
On that splintered cross
It was love that moved Him
To save the lost

It was love, God's love

When we face an enemy
And choose to pray for him or her
On bended knee

When we extend our hands
To feed the poor
And to the outcast open the door
We display

Love, God's love

For no attribute can compare
To the greatest gift we have to share
Though many live unaware

Let's give to each other love, God's love

For have you heard? Did you know?
That God is love from head to toe.
If He's the One we're living for

We'll walk in love, God's love

Friday, September 9, 2011

Good News Bears Expression

“Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15

A young woman lies silent in a hospital bed. Infected with a dangerous virus; her health plummets. Many pray for her healing. During the first and second day in the hospital, she remains unconscious. It is as if she is courting death. But after three days she awakes and her husband hears the doctor say, “She will live and not die.” The words, like a flash of lightening, ignite the man’s soul.

He phones his friends and relatives to communicate the good news. Good news bears expression. When we are excited about something wonderful that has happened to us, we are compelled to share it with others.

When we receive blessings from God’s hand whether we experience salvation, healing, protection, deliverance, or provision, we are inspired to share what we have received with others. Jesus commanded each of us to go and publish the good news of salvation – the news that was once new to us. We have been commissioned to gossip the gospel – to let others know what the Lord can do for them. We are lights in a world with blinders on. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can make an eternal difference in their lives. They, like us in the past, are doomed to die. But Jesus is the remedy for their plight. Because of Him, they can live and not die.

Let us be the bearers of good news to those who haven’t heard they can be forgiven. The world is waiting – what a privilege, what an awesome opportunity. Let’s say yes to the call.

Dear Lord of the Harvest,

Help me to realize all that You’ve done for me. Help me to remember especially how you brought me out of darkness and welcomed me into the light. Enable me to go and make disciples of those lost in the dark. Thank you Jesus for entrusting me with this all-important responsibility. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Prophetic Word, 9/4/11

Here is a prophetic word that the Lord had me give this morning at my church (Family Life Christian Center). I hope it is an encouragement to you.

Salvation is coming on the clouds. My healing, My power, My glory is coming on the clouds. Fresh waves of My Spirit will come to you as you expect me to meet you. I am the glory and the lifter of your head. I am your exceedingly great reward. I am your peace and your strength in troubled times. I am your Champion. I will protect you from the evil one. Let me guide you. Let me lead you in bringing my glory to others to those who have not tasted that the Lord is good. Let me use you as a beacon to shine my light in the dark places. Behold I am coming soon. Be ready. I love you My children, My chosen ones. I love you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

When Mercy Came

Mercy opened my eyes to see
Your glory now revealed
Mercy healed my broken heart
Forged a brand new start

Mercy calmed the tempestuous tides
Within this heart of mine
Created peace inside me
Fashioned perfect harmony

Pain and bitterness melted away
When You arrived on the scene
Fear and gloom took flight

Thank You Jesus Christ
For You are Love
You are Mercy Personified
God bless the day
When Mercy came to stay

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

While We Wait

They say that good things come to those who wait
But what happens when we procrastinate?
Do we wait for God to move without moving ourselves?
Is there something we should be doing
While we exercise patience?

Yes, we must believe for the promise to arrive
But faith without works is dead
Is there something in our hand to offer God
While He waits for the opportune time to bless us?

Lord search our hearts and help us
To prepare for all you have for us
Give us wisdom and grace
To win the race
To see Your promise face to face

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Overcoming Sexual Temptation

I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl.
Job 31:1

God has called His children to sexual purity. We are to have clean hands and a pure heart. But many believers are falling prey to pornography, and some Christians have participated in premarital sex or have had an affair. Sexual intimacy was created by God. It is a beautiful thing when enjoyed within the context of a marital relationship.

When I was a teenager I had a problem with lust. Although I became a Christian at age 18, my struggles continued. It wasn't until I began to saturate myself with God's word concerning this issue and began to speak it aloud in the face of temptation that I found greater and greater victory. When Jesus was tempted, He spoke the word of God to the devil. This was how Jesus won the battle and it is also how we can triumph over our foe (See Matthew 4:1-11).

Another way to overcome the temptation of lust is to bring it out into the open. Find a believer who is mature and trustworthy and share your struggles with this individual. Ask this person to pray for you and to be an accountability partner for you. James 5:16 says, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

A third step in growing in purity is to run from temptation. 2 Timothy 2:22 says, “Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” We are to run from sexual temptation. This means that we are to keep ourselves from looking at images on the Internet that would compromise our integrity. It may mean that we purchase software that will protect us from pornographic sites. It means that we are to grow in discernment and discretion when interacting with the opposite sex.

Please understand that there is mercy for us when we fall. God forgives our every sin. There are consequences because of our sin that we may have to deal with, but our Lord always forgives us when we confess and repent of our wrongdoing.

It took me a number of years to find substantial victory in this area. I praise God for His overcoming power. He really does set the captives free.

If you are struggling with sexual temptation please pray the prayer below.

Dear Merciful Lord,

Your word says in Romans 6:11 that I am to count myself dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. I confess to You that I struggle with sexual temptation. I ask you Lord to set me free. I choose to saturate myself in your word concerning this issue. I choose to speak it out loud in the face of temptation. I ask to you to show me who I can talk with about my struggles and I promise to do my best, with Your help, to run from temptation. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Monday, July 25, 2011

To Obey

To obey is better than sacrifice
Jesus modeled obedience for us when
He paid the price

We will
Say yes to the Spirit’s call
Be willing to give Him our all
Humble ourselves lest we fall

We will
Hide God’s word inside
Through His grace we’ll thrive
As He teaches us to abide

We will follow Him
As His blood cleanses us from sin
His faith causes us to win

To obey is by far the better way

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Be Faithful

And the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2

God is not impressed with our talents or giftedness. He does not admire individuals because they have charisma or because they have achieved great success. God looks for faithfulness. He is interested in our fidelity to Him. He wants to know that we are loyal to Him no matter what.

He does want us to be faithful with the gifts and talents He has given us. He also desires for us to develop our skills whatever they are. He wants us to use all that we have for the furtherance of His kingdom and for His glory.

God is looking for men, women, and children who will be faithful to Him. As we are faithful with little things, He will give us more to steward. Like an apprentice learning a new craft, let's apply ourselves to the things that the Lord has entrusted us with. After we are faithful for a time, he will promote us so that we are more useful to Him. Let's also remember to be faithful to one another. If we will journey down this path, one day we will hear Jesus say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Then all our hard work and sacrifice will be worth it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Journal Entry, 7/9/11

Here is something that the Lord spoke to my heart today...

Dear Holy Spirit,

I love you. You are mine; I am yours. Lord, what would you say to me?

I have chosen you Tom, yes I have. Read my word Tom. It is the impetus for change. My word transforms and heals. It destroys and rebuilds. I desire to build within you a foundation of stone. It is my word that will fortify you. Surrender all to me. I am your strength and your song. I am your deliverer. Allow me to define your boundaries. Allow me to cause you to bear more fruit. I want to use you to bring in the harvest. There is much work to be done. Come and seek me. I will fill you with all that I am; I will enable you to bring in the harvest. I will increase your effectiveness as you come unto me. I love you and I will never forsake you. Come.

I hope this blessed you.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In Your Fire

Baptize me, Lord, in Your Fire
Enable me to reach higher
Spirit purify
Come and sanctify
Set me apart for Your glory
Help me to be for You holy

Teach me to run from the worldly
Live out Your will now through me
By Your grace let me love you
By Your grace let me serve you

Baptize me, Lord, in Your Fire
You are my ardent desire
Come and convict me
Of things I can see
Of things I don’t perceive

Help me to change
By Your grace
Let my heart be a flame
Let me seek to know Your ways

Baptize me, Lord in Your Fire

Friday, June 24, 2011

Help us to Love

Help us to love
As You love
As You love

With all our hearts
As You love
Towards the unlovely
Even towards our enemies

Let love guide our hearts
Let it be the motive behind our actions
Let it spring from an understanding
Of Your love for us

Refine us in the fire
Let us prefer others
As better than ourselves
Let us live by the law of love

Help us to love as You love
Unreservedly as You love
Help us to love with abandon
Toward those You died for
Toward those You laid
Your life down for
So that all of us could have life
Lord, help us to love

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Devotional on website

When you have a chance, please read a devotional I have written entitled For Freedom.  It is published today online at  I hope it is a blessing to you.  Have a great day.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Praise and Adoration

Praise and adoration
To the King of every nation
To the Holy One upon the throne
We worship You alone

You rule and reign over every adversary
You stand triumphant inside of me
You help me see Your glory in the mundane
Give me grace when it’s hard to obey

You calm the storm within me
When I am sinking at sea
Thank you for your mercy
Your love sets me free

Worship the Sovereign Lord
Worthy of all fame
Praise Him in one accord
Give Him your every day

Praise and adoration
To the King of every nation
To the One upon the throne
We worship You alone

Sunday, June 5, 2011

All Things are New

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17

 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God. Romans 2:28-29

We are new creations in Christ. All things within us are new. The old has passed away. When we accepted Christ as our Savior, we experienced a new beginning. Our spirits were made alive. That inward part of us was made completely holy (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). At the new birth, we became circumcised of heart. The fleshly elements of our inward nature were cut away. We are now vessels that carry the presence of the Lord. We are mobile tabernacles of His glory. We have been made sensitive to His leading – to His voice. We are dead to sin and alive unto God.

You may ask, “But why do we still sin?” The answer is simple... when we became born again, our spirits were made perfect, but our souls and bodies were not. We are a three-part being – spirit, soul, and body
(1 Thessalonians 5:23). Our souls consist of our mind, will, and emotions. That part of us needs to be renewed through the washing of the word of God. As we meditate on God's word, with the intention to obey its truth, we allow what's in our spirit or heart to control our actions. This process is called renewing our minds (Romans 12:2). Romans 12:1 says that we are to offer our bodies to God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing unto Him. But maturing in the Lord is a process and not the direct result of the one time event of salvation. This is why we can stand before God as righteous, but still fall at times because of a tendency to sin.

We are to rest in the fact that we are accepted by God, but we are also to move toward maturity. Let's set aside some time each day to fellowship with the Lord and to read and meditate on His word. We are on a journey where we are growing to look a little more like Him each day. We can be confident that He that has begun a good work in us will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Creation Celebrates

Wind-whipped waves beat against the rocky shore
Seagulls sail through the open sky
The evening sun radiates deep orange across the waters
Creation celebrates the majesty of God

Sing praise, sing praise
Glorify the Lord with me
All creation sings and glorifies His name

Rushing waters cascade from the mountain opening
Crystal clear waters flow
Refreshing pools churn at the foot of the cataract
Creation celebrates the majesty of God

Sing praise, raise the banner high
Glorify the Lord with me
All creation sings and glorifies His name

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Handling Anger

Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city. Proverbs 16:32

The old fashioned tea kettle came to a boil and whistled as steam streamed out of its opening. We are sometimes like that tea kettle. We are all guilty of allowing ourselves to react to negative circumstances or people’s unfavorable actions by allowing our emotions to boil over. Ecclesiastes 7:9 says that anger rests (stays for a prolonged time) in the bosom of fools. It also says in Ephesians that we are to be angry without committing sin. This means that anger in and of itself is not sinful. It is how we handle our anger that counts.

The Lord wants us to give our anger to Him. When we surrender our negative emotions to our Heavenly Father, we open our hearts to receive His wisdom. He will help us to address the issue at hand calmly and with a spirit of kindness. We can speak the truth in love to that person who has wronged us. We can forgive our enemies. We can stay calm when that crazy driver cuts us off.

God is working His character in each of us. He is smoothing out our rough edges like a rock in river bed. The Holy Spirit’s current flows over us and removes our sharp edges. Let’s submit our hearts and lives to Jesus. Let’s allow Him to correct us. Let’s learn to be slow to anger. And when we are angry, let’s draw near to the Lord so we know how to handle every situation.

Dear Father God,

I ask you to help me to handle my anger wisely. Teach me to love others. I choose to forgive anyone who has wronged me, and I ask for you to mold me and make me into the person you desire me to be. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Delight in You

I delight myself in You
You will give me the desires of my heart
Your purposes for me shall prevail

I will trust in You
And stand upon Your promises
Sure as cat's feet is Your word to me
Strong as carbon steel are your precepts

I delight in You
Your name is a mighty tower
The righteous run to it and are safe

Lord I put my hope in You
I will not be ashamed
No, I will not be ashamed

I delight myself in You
And You will give me the desires of my heart
In Your perfect time

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Banquet for the Soul

And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.”

When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, He told them to ask the Father for their daily bread. While this definitely refers to physical provision, I believe it is also a request for God to provide for spiritual nourishment. There was a time in Israel's history when the Lord supplied the Israelites with manna that rained down from heaven. They found this special bread sprinkled on the ground each day. They were told gather 1 omer (about 4 pints) per person and were commanded not to store extra for the future except for the Sabbath. Some of them did not heed God's instruction and the manna became infested with worms and stank on the following day. The Israelites found that, when they followed the Lord's command, their needs were fully met by the Lord each day.

God wants to meet our physical needs, and He promises to do so; He also desires to provide spiritual nourishment to His children. It is important for each of us to establish a quiet time each day. During this time we are to feast on God's word and pray to the Lord. The Lord wants to speak to us. He desires to build us up spiritually so we can face each day filled with the encouragement that comes from the Lord. During our quiet time, the Holy Spirit will strengthen us; He will show us things to come. The Lord will rain down His word and His presence so that we will be satisfied spiritually.

Won't you take time each day – perhaps ten to fifteen minutes to start with – to spend with the Lord. He is waiting for you and He will bless you as you give yourself to Him. You will find that your whole day takes on a new light of joy and expectancy. Let us draw near to Jesus the bread of life. He is a banquet for the soul.

Dear Father God,

I thank you for sending Jesus the bread of life. I ask You to give me my daily bread. I choose to find nourishment in You by setting aside some time each day to get to know you. Thank you for satisfying my spiritual needs. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Friday, April 22, 2011

We Can Be Forgiven

Satan gleamed with pride
When Jesus received His violent whipping
Blood splattered

They nailed His wrists and feet
And Satan danced

Darkness fell
God the Father turned His head
Jesus cried out, "It is finished!"
Satan sighed a deep sigh of relief

They took Jesus' body to His tomb
They rolled the stone in place

Tears fell from the disciple's eyes
They lost their beloved Rabbi

Then, the Light burst through the darkness
Jesus rose triumphant
He is the Life
He walked unencumbered
By the chains of death
Satan screamed
And bolted in great terror

Resurrection Life is now offered
To you and me
We can be recipients of the risen-life
We can embrace the Savior
Who won the fight
Who overcame the night
We can be forgiven

Here is a prayer you can pray to receive the transforming victory that Christ won for us.  It is a prayer of surrender and belief.  It is a starting point for a new life with God.

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for dying for me on the cross.  Thank you for spilling your blood so that I could be forgiven.  Lord, I surrender all to You.  I ask You to forgive me of my sins.  I ask You to breath Your life into me.  Jesus, I choose to live for You.  Thank You for overcoming death so I can be risen with You.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Coming Again

You will split the eastern skies
Come to claim Your lovely bride
You will meet us in the air
The dead in Christ will rise

We long for Your return
And our hearts do burn
One day we will dance with You
You, who are full of grace and truth

Help us to always set our gaze
Upon You Lord
Till we see You face to face
You will wipe our every tear away
Healed in Your embrace

You Oh Lord will come again
Let us be ready
Let us be ready

You will split the eastern skies
Come to claim Your lovely bride

Sunday, April 10, 2011

An Excellent Spirit

Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm. Daniel 6:3 NKJV

Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego were Hebrews, who were first appointed to serve king Nebuchadnezzar after they were exiled from Israel to the Babylonian kingdom. Daniel served under four kings over the span of his lifetime. He, as well as the other three Israelites, distinguished themselves above all the other leaders. It was said of Daniel twice that he had an excellent spirit within him. The Hebrew word for excellent in this setting is ya-teer. It means preeminent and very or exceedingly excellent. The word for spirit in this context is roo-akh, which means mind, spirit, and wind.

I believe the Lord calls us all to excellence in whatever we set our hand to. We are to work hard to do our very best, and we are to ask God for wisdom while we apply ourselves to what He has called us to do. We are to allow the Lord to renew our minds with His word. We are also called to live from our spirit or from our hearts. We do this by allowing the Lord to fill us with His Spirit (wind is a symbol of the Holy Spirit) and to allow the Holy Spirit to inspire us and give us sound direction. This is what I believe it means to have an excellent spirit.

As we live like this, God will promote us in His time and in His way so we can have greater influence in His kingdom. Let us ask God to give us an excellent spirit.

Dear Father God,

I desire to please you in all I do. Help me Lord to follow You with all my heart and from my heart. Help me to grow in excellence as I apply myself to all that you put before me. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and guide my steps. May You look upon me and say, “My child, thank you for letting Me build in you an excellent spirit.” In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Risen Lord

You surf on stormy clouds
You stand and all creation kneels before You
You rule in righteousness and justice
You are God

The oceans and all that live within them
Were created by You
The majestic mountains, the sun in all its glory
Were fashioned by Your hand

You created man in Your image
But man fell
You provided a path of redemption
Crimson blood paid the way

Jesus, our sinless Savior
Dying You gave mankind life
Willingly You offered Yourself as a sacrifice
Three days passed
Then victoriously You rose from the dead

The devil and all his armies were defeated
Those that call upon the name of Jesus in sincerity
Will be saved
All glory to You, our RISEN LORD!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Understanding Persecution

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed – always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:7-11 NKJV

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12 NIV

Christians are lights in a dark world. We carry within us the very life of God; we are to display His glory to a world living beneath the shadows. Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples. He called us to share His story. There is no greater joy to be found than to live out this mission, but along with the adventure comes danger. Ministry invites persecution. Paul's life was riddled with opposition. This was not because he was a poor example of a Christian, but because he was wholeheartedly obedient to the Master. Paul counted the cost and chose to follow Jesus no matter what. He was willing to face martyrdom if necessary. It is believed that Paul was beheaded in Rome for his faith in Christ.

In America, we seldom suffer severe persecution, however, we will face opposition at times when we testify for the Lord. The Bible calls Satan the accuser of the brethren. He is the force behind persecution. Persecution can come in many forms. When people oppose us, we must remember that our real enemy is the devil. In fact we are called to love our human enemies. We should remember that God only allows into our lives what we can handle, and part of the way we handle this kind of trouble is to use our authority in Christ. The name of Jesus is greater than any other name. We are to submit to God and resist the devil when we are being attacked. The Bible says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. We have the victory in Christ.

The question we must ask ourselves is, “Are we willing to undergo persecution for the sake of the gospel?” It will mean that we will face difficulty and pain at times. But if we really want to walk in the light as He is in the light, if we really want to please Jesus, we will say, "Yes." Will you obey the Master and tell others His story? Will you reach the ones living in darkness? If you will, God will make sure that you will never be alone. He will be with you always, and He will help you through every difficult situation. Be assured that with His help you will see many rescued from the clutches of the evil one, and on that day, when you meet the Lord, you will hear the Savior say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Friday, March 25, 2011

Born Again

When I was Your enemy
You chose me
But I ran far away
My blinded eyes could not see Your glory
My deaf ears could not hear Your call

I loved the false
Your relentless love was foreign to me
I clung to a religious substitute
It had no power to change me

Then I heard Your truth proclaimed
Heaven opened over me
I saw the wonder of Your love
I received Your pardon
Now free
Born again into Your family

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love God

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Like the flower longs for sunlight, we are to long after God. He is our source of strength, fulfillment, peace, joy, and contentment. He fills us with His Spirit; He causes us to thrive. But we can only find these benefits when we place knowing and serving the Lord as our first priority. When loving Him is first in our hearts, our lives will flow with divine order.

Our love for God must be stronger than our love for people, even those closest to us. Yes we are to love people, but our love for God must pale in comparison to our love for others. This means we choose to obey God's word over the word of a friend. It's not that we are to be cold and indifferent, no Jesus will lead us towards compassion, but His love is always married to the truth of God's word. Consequently, we are not walking in love when we try to steer another away from a scriptural truth.

Where our love is that is where our focus will be. Let's set our hearts on God. Let's allow Him to set us ablaze in passionate love for Him and for His word. God the Father will bless the soul whose heart is set on Him. He will fill such a one with His love and will use him or her for His glory. Beloved let's love God. As the deer pants for the water, so may all that is within us thirst for Him.

Dear Father God,

Forgive me for allowing my life to be filled with everything but You. Help me to set my affections on things above. Fill me with a passion for the pursuit of You. I choose to hide your word in my heart so I will not sin against you. I choose to spend time with you every day so that my heart's desire is to know You and to serve You. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Friday, March 11, 2011

When the Earth Shakes

The desperate cries
Are heard by God our Father
When the earth quakes
When great waves wreak havoc
And disaster ravages our communities
God is still on the throne

On this earth we do not have all the answers
But I know without a shadow of doubt
That God is good
We now live in the age of His grace
He is not the initiator of destruction

Lord, let your children spring to action
Let us pray and do what we can
To assist those in need

Let us lift our hearts and voices to Him
That He would heal
That He would save
And that He would help those suffering
To rebuild their lives

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Anointed to Serve

So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power. Samuel then went to Ramah. 1 Samuel 16:13

Every member in the body of Christ is anointed to serve the Lord in some capacity. Some are called to minister in song or instrumentally. David's first assignment after he was anointed by Samuel the prophet was to play his harp before king Saul. The Holy Spirit so inspired his playing that when King Saul felt depressed, David would play his harp and the spirit causing the king's depression would leave. Later it became evident that David was anointed for leadership. Although he had many flaws, David became the greatest king that Israel ever had.

Romans 12:6-8 and 2 Corinthians 12:7-11 list the different gifts that believers can have and Ephesians 4:11 highlights different types of leadership gifts for those called to full-time ministry. I encourage you to prayerfully read over these scriptures and ask the Lord to show you where He's gifted you to serve. None of us flow in all the gifts, but all of us have at least one. We are called to serve the Lord with the gift(s) He has given us.

Jesus told a parable that outlined the importance of developing and using our gifts for the Master's service (See Matthew 25:14-30). He told of a man who went on a journey and entrusted his property to three servants. To one he gave five talents (worth more than five thousand dollars), to another two talents, and to the last he gave one talent each according to their ability.

Both the servant he gave five talents to and the one he gave two talents to worked diligently and doubled the amount they had. When the master returned he commended these two and said to each, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master's happiness!”

The third servant hid his money in the ground. He said he was afraid that his master was a hard man. He feared that if he would invest the talent, he might lose what he was given. The master was appalled at this servant's efforts. He gave the command to “throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

This parable speaks of how we handle our finances, but it also shows the importance that Jesus placed on being good stewards of the gifts or abilities God has given us. The Lord wants us to develop our gifts and use them for His glory. There are two primary places where I believe the Lord wants us to use our gifts. These are in the church and in the world. As we are faithful with the talents God gives us, the Lord will increase what we have to give. He will add more to us and cause us to have an abundance.

Let's allow the Lord to use us to be a blessing within the context of our own giftedness. We will find that this is the most natural place for us to shine. This also is the place of the greatest joy and blessing. Jesus will help us to do our part to build the church and bring the lost into his kingdom by using our gifts in dependence upon the Holy Spirit. He will cause us to be effective and bear much fruit for His glory. Let me encourage you to discover your giftedness and determine to grow in that gift and serve with it. You will make a greater impact for the kingdom, and you'll be glad you did!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Let us Pray

Let us pray
For eyes to weep
For souls no longer to stay asleep
For hearts to break before You Lord
For revival to spread from shore to shore

Let us pray
That violence cease
That homes find peace

That salvation spreads like fire
That righteousness be our one desire

Let us pray
That Jesus be enthroned in our nation
That we no longer live for our ends
That the humble find redemption

That the proud will bow low
And leaders will in godliness grow

May perversion be extracted
Justice and Mercy take action

Let us pray
That multitudes know You
Multitudes know You
The Way, the Life, the Truth

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In the Middle

Here in the middle of the mundane
Your Presence can be discovered
In the center of our daily grind
We can honor You

When we work as unto You, Lord
Joy rises
We can find purpose
In a day well spent

We will work quietly with our hands
For You reward honest diligence
With Your abundant blessing

I am a co-laborer with You
In business and ministry
For You ordained both

Thank You Lord
For including me in Your divine plan

Saturday, February 19, 2011

On Overcoming

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

God never promised us a trouble-free life. Our walk with the Lord has many twists and turns. Sometimes we face dangerous weather. Sometimes the enemy tries to envelope us in adversity. But when we draw close to the Lord, He hides us in the eye of the storm.

The Lord speaks His word to us in the secret place, and His word brings us peace. His word also generates faith inside our hearts, and as we act on that faith, we see God's overcoming power arrive on the scene. Jesus told us to speak to our mountains of difficulty. We can simply command them to move in the name of Jesus. Sometimes they will obey us in an instant; at other times we must exercise patience to see our Lord change the situation in His time. God is sovereign and His perfect will shall prevail as we pray.

We must remember that Jesus has overcome the world. As born again believers, we have been placed in Christ and He lives in us. We have the Overcomer dwelling within us. No matter what we face in this life God, our Father, will give us the grace to overcome. We will either see our mountain move or we will be given the grace and ability to ride the storm with our heads held high.

If you are treading through difficult waters, be encouraged. Put your trust in the Lord; He will see you through. When you turn to Him, He will supply you with all you need to overcome.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Angel

A Valentines Message to My Wife:

You are strong and sweet
Kind and honest
Beautiful through and through

You are my God-send
A gift from the Father above

I am better man because of you
Happy Valentines
To my friend, my love, my angel



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Your Glory

You are my glory
The lifter of my head

Your glory outshines
The break of day
Streaming through the mountains

You revealed Your glory to Moses
Later you chose to live within
Vessels of clay

May the weight of Your glory
Rest upon us
May the light of Your glory
Flood us

That we may shine in a world
Where darkness
Attempts to reign

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Unconditional Love

Love so amazing
Mercy unearned
Unobtainable through human effort

Lord, help us comprehend Your
Unconditional Love

Father in heaven
You love us
Not for what we do
Not for the sweat of our brow
Not for what we've attained

Instead, You love us
Because You desire to know us
You long to lavish Your goodness upon us
Even though we are undeserving

Your love motivates us
To love others
To do Your will
To return to You the love You give

Even when we fail You
Your mercy remains
Thank you Father God
For Your Unconditional Love

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hear the Call

In my heart, I hear the call
You have chosen me
In my heart, I hear the call
To set the captives free

You have sent me
I will go
And spread this good news
You have sent me
I will go
And proclaim Your precious truth

Souls headed for destruction
Who will rescue them?
Blindly running towards a frightful end
Who will rescue them?

In my heart, I hear the call
I must obey
In your heart, do you hear the call?
Won't you obey?
Won't you obey?

Each of us gifted in our own way
To reach the ones who need the light
Let's present to them a burning flame
Let us burn bright
Let us burn bright

In my heart, I hear the call
I will follow You
I will follow through
How about you?
How about you?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

In the Strangest of Circumstances

Last night a group of us celebrated a dear friend's birthday. It was a surprise party, but this event had more than one eye-opener. After much prodding from my persuasive wife, I volunteered to impersonate the one and only - Elvis. I initially said yes believing that I would also be able to sing one of my own Christian songs. But it turned out that there was not room in the program for one of my compositions. Buy this time, I had already committed to the performance.

About a year ago, my wife, Lou, and I purchased an Elvis costume for a senior's costume party, where we sang. The outfit came with a colorful top and bottom, sunglasses, and a puffy wig. Lou dressed as a cat. Those in attendance seemed to truly enjoy the performance. The outfit still fits me, in fact I've lost some weight since I last put it on.

But yesterday's performance was not to seniors, it was to my peers, and I felt a bit nervous. I also knew the audience was composed of people with a mix of spiritual backgrounds, and I wanted the Lord to use me to somehow glorify Him, even as Elvis. I practiced my singing and guitar playing and I prayed. Lou also prepared for a Filipino song that she was to sing.

As I prayed, God began to give me an idea. The performance went as follows....

The MC announced my arrival, I grabbed my guitar and the microphone. I explained to the crowd that my home is now in heaven, or as I like to call it - Graceland. I told them I just got my hair done at the heavenly salon. I told them the Lord allowed me to come down to sing one song. I also said that while I was on the earth people called me the king. Now I worship the true King of Kings – Jesus Christ! Then I led the group in singing happy birthday to the celebrant, and I sang“Blue Swede Shoes”. Praise God, the crowd loved it.

I learned that we can glorify Jesus in the strangest of circumstances. If He can use a donkey to preach His word, He can surely use an amateur Elvis impersonator to shine some light in the dark. Let's look for creative ways to reach our world. Let's be all things to all men. Let's use the opportunities He gives us to bring Him glory. I hope you enjoyed this true story. If you were to tell me you did, I would say, “Thank you, thank you very much!”

Friday, January 28, 2011

Link for CBN Devotional

Here is the link for my devotional at

CBN stands for The Christian Broadcasting Network. Their TV show, the 700 Club, is well known and has proved to be a blessing to many. Pat Robertson is the founder and chairman of CBN.

I hope you enjoy the devotional.

Many Blessings,


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Devotional to Be Found on

This Saturday, January 29th a devotional of mine entitled "Suffering Transformed" will be displayed on All you have to do is to go to the website and click on Daily Devotional. Enjoy! I welcome your feedback.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Loving as God Loves

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

We are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, but our love for Him is only a response to His immeasurable love for us. God the Father gave His only Son to be treated as a criminal and to die on a cruel instrument of torture - a wooden cross. Jesus willingly yielded Himself to the Father's will. His obedience meant that Christ would suffer physically, emotionally, and spiritually. God's love for us is amazing.

The Scripture says that we love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, our love for God and others is initiated and sustained by God's great love for us. When we are born into the family of God, we receive a new nature - God's nature - which is love. 1 John 4:16 says, "God is love." At the new birth, we receive within us the ability to love as God loves. We are only able to do this as we depend on the Holy Spirit to flow through us.

The love of God within us is like a fruit that must be cultivated and nurtured. God desires for this fruit to flourish. When we meditate upon and obey the commands of Scripture, we grow in love (See 1 John 5:2). As we obey the truth found in the word of God, we are acting in love. Also, when we choose to look after the needs of others, we love as Jesus loves.

It is also important to recognize that love is not a feeling but a choice. We do not always feel loving or kind; therefore, we cannot be led by our emotions in this matter. When we obey the Lord, our feelings will usually follow, but our feelings are not to be the focus. Instead, our obedience is what matters.

Let's follow our Lord's example. Let's learn to deny ourselves to benefit others. God the Father offered His Son so that we could be saved. And God the Son laid down His life for us. Our Lord's great love teaches us to love others, and His nature within us enables us - with the help of the Holy Spirit - to reach out even to those that are difficult to love.

Dear Precious Lord,

Help us to grow in love. Teach us to be sensitive to the needs of those around us. Enable us to obey your word so that we can love as You love. Lord, show each of us one person who needs Your love and compassion, and help us make a difference in his or her life. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Friday, January 14, 2011

An Ever-Present Help

God is an ever-present help
In time of need
A refuge for the weary
A stronghold for those under attack
Our Peace, our Protection

He is our mighty deliverer
We shall not fear
Though the earth give way
And fall into the heart of the sea

His joy will forever be our strength
We will trust in Him
And stand upon His word
He will not fail us
The Lion of Judah is forever with us
We will not be ashamed

When we are weak
He is strong
Our everlasting Powerhouse

Our Lord is an ever-present help
In time of need
Let us rejoice
We will always be
Safe in His arms

Monday, January 10, 2011

Work - A Gift from God

Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work - this is a gift of God. Ecclesiastes 5:19

I enjoy my days off from work, whether on the weekends or during a vacation. I am grateful for these times for rest and recharging. I also use this time to get projects done at home and to complete items on my wife's current honey-do-list.

A new desire has been building in me over the years, however. It is a fire that has not always burned so brightly. I am referring to a love and a passion for work. Yes, work! Solomon said it is a gift from God that we could find delight in, and Paul said we should work as unto the Lord. We can taste fulfillment in a day done well. We also receive God's blessings as we diligently apply ourselves to the work He has given us.

I am grateful to have a job. I work as a Director of Marketing for a Caregiving agency. If you are unemployed at this time, know that the Lord will enable you to find work. Looking for a place of employment must now become your full-time endeavor. God will reward you for your diligence and faith in His promise to meet your needs.

I am learning to delight in hard work. I am not always as diligent as I would like to be, but the Lord is transforming me. He is teaching me to use my time wisely. He is helping me to achieve daily goals for His glory. I take joy in the work He has given me. How about you? Are you allowing Jesus to fill you with a passion for productivity? Let's invite Him to work alongside us. Let's endeavor to give Him our very best every day. The Lord will satisfy us with contentment as He blesses us with His rewards. "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might (Ecclesiastes 9:10)."

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Joseph is a fruitful vine
Near a spring
Whose branches climb over a wall

High are the walls about you
Oh Joseph
Your brothers sold you as a slave

You served Potiphar faithfully
The Lord brought you success

Then Potiphar's wife seduced you
But you ran away
Into the arms of God

Yet into the confines of prison
But the Lord was with you
Even there
You prospered by His hand

Time passed in that dank, dark place
Then Pharoah found you
You interpreted his dream
God brought you to a place of honor
The place He had ordained

God granted you wisdom and skill
You saved a nation from famine

You blessed those that cursed you
Even your brothers

Your years of suffering
Gave way to blessing
To you, your family,
To multitudes

Joseph is a fruitful vine
Near a spring
Whose branches climb over a wall

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Fresh Word for a New Year

But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is to come. John 16:13

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

With the new year comes the promise of new terrain – a roadway for us to trod on. God definitely has new and great things in store for each of us. He has promised to bless us; He longs to equip us and use us for His kingdom pursuits. But we must slow down enough to hear Him. We must listen to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord promises to show us things to come. He will enlighten us. He will set borders about the pathway He has for us. He will lead and guide us in the right direction. One thing the Lord will not do, however, is to outline every detail to us. He will not write out our future like the penning of a novel. No, we see through a glass dimly. We only know in part. God desires to reveal to us just enough to stir us on to obedience, but not so much that we forget to trust Him. God is teaching us to walk by faith, and He knows that we will not need to depend on Him if we know every inch of the terrain He has laid out for us.

So let us seek the mind of God, let us get alone with Him and receive all He has for us. But let us also learn to trust Him when we do not have all the answers so we can forge ahead as we follow the One who knows everything.