Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is For-Giving

Christmas is a beautiful time of the year. It is a time of wonder and giving. It is a season when family members come together and enjoy the warmth of one another's company. But for some, Christmas stirs up negative emotions. I believe that some who are reading this blog have been hurt from the words and actions of others. My prayer for you this Christmas is that you would know the healing power of Jesus' love.

During Christmas, we celebrate the birth of a King. Jesus, born in a manger, lived a perfect life, and then paid the penalty for our sins on the cross. When He hung on that tree, He experienced stark separation from God the Father. He allowed His heart to be broken so we could receive healing in our own hearts. He lives in the hearts of those who have invited Him in. But He can't fully express Himself through us if we harbor unforgiveness towards others.

The only way to have a heart that's whole and free is to learn to forgive others – in fact, Christmas is for-giving. When we forgive, we set ourselves free from the chains that bind us, and we give God's love to others. When we forgive, we can look to the Holy Spirit to show us how we should love the person who has hurt us. We become like a flower that opens its pedals to the world. God wants the fragrance of His love to flow through us. He does not want us to be closed to others. He wants us to be an open door.

Sometimes forgiveness is a process that begins with a choice – an act of faith that is not dependent on the way we feel. We may have to bring our hurts before the Lord more than a few times, but eventually, with His help, we can forgive.

This Christmas, let's allow the love of God to flow in us and through us. Let's take the time to allow the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and to show us if there are any areas in our heart that need God's healing touch.

Dear Holy Spirit,

I ask you to to search my heart. Please show me if I am holding unforgiveness against anyone. Come and heal me Lord. I choose to forgive those that have offended me. Make my heart an open door. I receive your healing, Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Holy Spirit is His Name

He’s my Helper, He’s my Guide
He has come alongside
He’s our Lover and our Friend
He’ll be with us till the end

His power none can tame
The Holy Spirit is His name
He can resurrect the dead
He reminds us of what Christ said

He brings glory to the Lamb
He is the Great I Am
He is patient, He is kind
He is Truth, He does not lie

He’s the One who lives within
Frees us from the will to sin
Sends us to the lost
Points us to the cross

The Holy Spirit is His name
He’s not interested in fame
If we keep our consciences' clean
His heart we will not grieve

The Holy Spirit is His name
Through His power we are changed

We love you Holy Spirit
You are precious to behold
Like the wind we feel you
Though we do not see Your form

Come Oh Holy Spirit
Come invade our space
Welcome Holy Spirit
We long for Your embrace

Friday, December 6, 2013

In the Middle

                                          This post from the past encourages us to take joy
                                           in our daily work....                                       

                                          Here in the middle of the mundane
Your Presence can be discovered
In the center of our daily grind
We can honor You

When we work as unto You, Lord
                                          Joy rises
We can find purpose
In a day well spent 

We will work quietly with our hands
For You reward honest diligence
With Your abundant blessing 

I am a co-laborer with You
In business and ministry
For You ordained both 

Thank You Lord
For including me in Your divine plan

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Greatest Superhero

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross! Philippians 2:5-8

Everyone loves a hero. This is evident when we witness the popularity of the Marvel-inspired movies like Spiderman, Iron Man, and The Incredible Hulk. Many of us are drawn to these icons of courage and goodwill. The hero always comes out on top, always defeats the enemy.

They are bigger than life. Stronger, faster, braver. Christ is also a Hero – the greatest Hero of all. Yes, He has “super powers”. Yes, He is the ultimate Victor. But the greatest attribute that this God-man displayed was His emptying of Himself.

When He laid down His life for the human race. He, who was and is God, became servant of all. And Jesus said the greatest among you would be your servant (Matthew23:11).

The comic books are full of superhuman beings that conquer the world. They are fictitious, but we serve a God who is 100% real. He is Almighty, All Powerful and yet he humbled Himself for our behalf. He who knew no sin became sin for us all. He paid the price of death on a cross so that we would not have to. Three days after He died, the great power of the Lord was unleashed; He rose from the dead.

He secured a place in heaven for those who will accept His forgiveness. His word says that all of us have sinned and fall short of His glory. We deserve to be doomed to an eternity of spiritual darkness. But Jesus, took the bullet for our sin. He suffered, died, and victoriously rose again from the grave! If you haven't embraced Christ's forgiveness, - forgiveness from the greatest hero who ever lived, and who died and lives again - come and pray this prayer....

Dear Almighty God,

Thank you for sending Jesus, the greatest Hero of all, to die in my place. I admit that I am a sinner, that I need Your powerful forgiveness. I believe You rose from the dead. Lord, I surrender all to You. I receive your forgiveness, and I choose to serve you all of my days. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

If you prayed this prayer from your heart, you have been born again. You have been given a place in heaven, and you have been adopted into God's family. Here are some helpful hints to aid you in your growth as a new believer.

  • Read the Bible – it is food for the soul.
  • Pray – Talk to your Heavenly Father. He is Your Friend and He will talk to you as well.
  • Start attending a Spirit-filled church that teaches the word of God.
  • Tell others about your newfound relationship with Jesus.

Congratulations! This is the most important day of your life. Remember always that God loves you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at

Saturday, November 23, 2013

He Gives Each His Dream

From before the dawn of time
We were aimed for His design
The Father formed us with a destiny in mind

He gives each His dream
Within our hearts we can see
Just what He has called us to be

Dreams await us
Like the sun behind the clouds
Dreams await us
The Spirit will unveil the shroud

But we must seek Him
Then pursue the dream
We must believe Him
Let the invisible be seen

Write the vision down
It shall surely come to pass
Write the vision down
And wisely act

God is for us
He is never against
If our dream is from Him
His approval we will sense

Go forth like an arrow in flight
Accomplish His will
Go forth like an arrow in flight
And hit the bullseye  

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Great Things

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing, He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:12-14

Our Lord did great miracles while he lived upon the earth. He opened the eyes of the blind. He enabled the lame to walk. He even raised the dead. Those who have been born into the Kingdom of God can also do miracles in Jesus name. Our Lord said that we could do even greater miracles than he because he was going to the Father.

We can heal the sick and even raise the dead in the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the greatest things we can do is pray for unbeliever's to find Christ. We can pray for a great revival and a great awakening. We can seek God for the salvation of the multitudes. It is our privilege and should be our passion. As we pray, God will move, and as we make ourselves available, God will use us. With God all things are possible. Let's believe our Lord for great things!

Dear Father God,

Thank you for your desire to use me. Thank you that in Jesus name I can believe you to move mightily to bring healing, miracles, and salvation to others. Fill me with your passion to pray for revival among your people and for an awakening that brings conviction and deliverance to the unsaved. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Seed

The seed of God’s word
In fertile soil
Generates the life and character of God

With perseverance
We will reap if we faint not

If we nurture this seed
It will flourish
The harvest awaits us

We sow in our own hearts
And in the hearts of others

The Holy Spirit hovers over
The seed of God’s word in our hearts

There’s enormous potential in a seed
Just like the atom
Within it lies power
Power to produce
Power to push through the hardened clay
Even through the cemented areas of our hearts

God’s word is highly exalted
It accomplishes all that it is sent by our Lord to do

But we must remove the weeds
That seek to choke the life of the word of God

Guard your heart with all diligence
For it is the wellspring of life

Thursday, October 31, 2013

We Will Enforce Christ's Victory

In the midst of shimmering light
He embraced the dark
While surrounded by God’s presence
Iniquity was found in him
A hideous sight

He declared war
On the Sovereign Lord
Though he’s already lost the battle
He still fights

We are in Christ
Satan’s kingdom is under our feet 

We turn our eyes to You Lord Jesus
Worthy of all our praises
Let the enemy flee
And run for the hills

Let the kingdom of darkness
Feel the full weight of the sword 

Because of Jesus our Champion
We are more than conquerors
We will enforce Christ’s victory

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.  1 John 4:18

When I first met the Lord as a teenager, I was plagued with many fears. At this time in my life, I struggled with feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem. But once I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, a new dynamic entered my life. I began to experience the love of the Father. The Holy Spirit ministered to me through His word, His Presence, and His people. The fears that once shaped me began to diminish in their power over me. As I grew in my relationship with God, I also grew in faith and confidence. Today I am still tempted at times to fear when circumstances arise, but I have learned to give my troubles to God and to allow Him to shower me with His love. His love makes me strong and His love will make you strong as well.

God's love is perfect, and His perfect love really does drive away fear. Fear is a spirit. It says in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. This promise is for us. We don't have to live with fear. Fear debilitates, it destroys. But with the Lord in our lives, we can win the victory over fear. We can allow His love to set us completely free. It may take time – it did for me. I found it helpful to meditate on scriptures that speak of God's love. Our Lord's truth brings deliverance; it brings us freedom.

If you are struggling with fear of any kind, I encourage you to invite the Lord into your situation. As you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. Meditate on scriptures that speak of the love of God. His perfect love will surely drive away your fears.

Dear Father God,

Thank you for Your great love. Lord I surrender my every fear to You. I thank you that You live in me and greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Spirit of fear I bind you in the name of Jesus and I command you to leave me now. Holy Spirit come in your loving way and fill me. Thank you for giving me victory over every fear. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.    

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

We Have Overcome

for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” 1 John 5:4

The Bible says that those who have accepted Christ as their Savior are positioned “in Christ”. This is how God sees us. Like a bookmark enveloped in the pages of a book, we have been placed inside our Lord. Wherever the book goes, so goes the bookmark. In Christ we died. In Christ we rose again. In Christ we defeated the grave.

Jesus said we should take heart because He has overcome the world. We too have overcome the world. We are overcomers now in this life. We are not trying to overcome: we have overcome. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. When we mix the promise of being an overcomer with our faith, we begin to experience this truth. When we believe we are overcomers, His Spirit backs up our faith and we can live out the reality of this promise.

This means whatever we are facing, God will enable us to win the battle. This means we can meet each day with a victory mindset. We are more than conquerers, victors because of our relationship with Christ. It doesn't matter how many times we have failed in the past; God desires to give us a fresh start. As we meditate on who we are in Christ, we can grow in our ability to overcome. In His strength we overcome in spiritual warfare, through financial difficulty, in sickness, and in every area of life.

We can learn to confess or profess the word of God concerning our position in Christ. When we speak God's word over our lives, our tongue – like the rudder of a ship – helps to bring God's promises into reality.

God sees us as overcomers because we are positioned in Christ. Let's stand on the promises of God and learn to live the victorious life that our Lord desires us to walk in. Let's declare God's word over our lives and begin to live out the overcoming life that Christ has purchased for us on the cross.

Dear Father God,

Thank you for making me an overcomer. Thank you that You have given me victory over every situation I come against. Lord I love you, and I praise you for all You've done. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Greatest Privilege of All

He (Jesus) replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Luke 10:19 NIV parentheses mine

Jesus appointed seventy-two believers and sent them two by two to preach the gospel and to heal the sick and cast out demons in His name. These "sent-ones" enjoyed enormous success. They returned with joy and said to Jesus that even the demons submit us in Your name.

Our Lord's response was intriguing. On one hand He encouraged them; He affirmed them by declaring the authority that was given them over Satan. But he also told them they were to rejoice that their names were written in heaven not because of the authority they possess through the name of Jesus. Jesus was pointing out that their relationship with the Father was to be their number one concern.

At this time, Jesus beamed with joy and said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was Your good pleasure.” (Luke 10:21 NIV) It takes someone with a childlike heart to believe that God has given us power to defeat the enemy; it takes someone who has a genuine relationship with the Lord, someone who is not wise in their own eyes to find victory in spiritual warfare. Psalm 8:2 says, “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” Here the Scripture refers to praise as one of the weapons we have against the Devil, but also notice that this victory is given to children and infants or to those with a childlike heart before God.

Let's embrace the authority that the Lord has granted us. When we pray in faith, mountains move and demons flee in terror. But let us not glory in the power that has been delegated to us; rather, let's glory in the intimate relationship we have with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, we have been given the greatest privilege. We now have free access into the throne room of God; for knowing Him is the greatest privilege of all.

Dear Father God,

I praise You and worship You. I thank you for giving me victory over the enemy. But Lord I am filled with praise and awe because You chose me to have an abiding relationship with you. Help me to know you more and more intimately as I walk with You. In Jesus name, Amen.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Words You Say

In the midst of the struggle
She cries out in faith
God's word on her lips
Creates the way

Paves a pathway through the chaos
To victory unearned
God's word spoken
A prayer that heaven heard

God moves with a fury
To right the wrong
To bring justice to His child
She sings a praise song

His faith is in our hearts
We must speak it out
We must speak it out

His faith in our hearts
Must be heard aloud

If you'll speak His word today
From the heart
Victory is on its way
If you'll speak His word today
God will listen to the words you say

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Prayer that Pleased God

The king went to Gibeon to offer sacrifices, for that was the most important high place, and Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”  1 Kings 3:4-5

Heartfelt worship pleases God. Young king Solomon pleased God immensely when he offered the Lord those thousand burnt offerings on the altar. This worship cost Solomon of his time and his treasure. This worship came from Solomon's heart; otherwise, God would not have delighted in it.

That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream. He told Solomon that he would give him anything he desired – anything. Solomon impressed the Lord again with his answer. Instead of asking for great wealth, or great victory, or long life, he requested that he might receive a heart of wisdom and discernment to lead his people. He knew he was young and inexperienced, and his heart was humble and pure so he asked for what was right in God's eyes; he asked for wisdom.

This pleased the Lord to no end. He made Solomon the wisest king to ever sit on the throne, save Jesus Christ. The Lord also made him the wealthiest king to every live, even though Solomon did not ask for this blessing. Solomon started with a triumphant bang. Unfortunately, he stumbled greatly in his later years.

But we can learn much from Solomon's example here. We too can make worship a priority. We can set aside special times to seek God's face in a more focused and significant way. We can learn to ask God for things that delight our Father's heart. We can seek and pursue wisdom through prayer and the study of God's word.

If we will do these things, we will find - like Solomon did for much of his life - that the Lord will give us success in all we do. He will prosper us in every way even as our soul prospers. Like young Solomon, let's cause our Lord to smile, when we do, He will honor our requests and bless us with even more than we imagined.

Dear Father God,

I choose to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and I thank You that You will bless me with all the things I need and desire. Lord, I ask for your wisdom so that I can serve You better. Thank you for hearing my prayer. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Look into the Life of Samson

Whenever the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson, he was furnished with supernatural strength.  The first time we witness this is when he is met by a roaring lion, while he was strolling outside.  The Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he literally ripped the beast to pieces.  On another occasion, he killed a thousand men with a donkey’s jawbone. 

Samson was uniquely gifted by God.  Before he was born, the angel of the Lord prophesied to his mother that her son would begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the hostile Philistines.  The angel also gave specific instructions for the mother and the child to follow.  One of these instructions forbade the boy from cutting his hair throughout his entire life.  His long hair was a sign of his covenant with God.
Although Samson had a great calling on his life, and though he was endowed with great power and had enormous potential, he proved to be a carnal man.  He did not honor his relationship with God above his desires.  On one occasion, we find that he slept with a prostitute.  Later, he fell in love with a Philistine woman named Delilah.  The Philistines promised her money if she could find out the secret of Samson’s strength.  They wanted to capture him.  At first, Samson tried to deceive Delilah.  He did not tell her the truth about his mystery.  But eventually her nagging persuaded him, and he told her that if his hair was shaven, his strength would diminish to that of a normal man.

When Samson fell asleep on Delilah’s lap, a man shaved his hair.  Then the Philistines subdued him and, soon after, gouged out his eyes. 
This is tragic.  Samson first gave in to the desires of his flesh, and then he compromised his unique covenant with God.  He lost his spiritual vision before he lost his physical sight.

The Scripture says that while he was in captivity, his hair started to grow back.  When we fall, God makes a way for us to rise again.  Though Samson never regained his physical sight, he did come to a renewed sense of spiritual vision.  One day, the Philistines celebrated and sacrificed to Dagon their god.  They called for Samson to be brought out of the prison to entertain them.  Samson asked to be placed between the pillars that support the temple.
Samson cried out to God for one last display of strength.  He asked to die with the Philistines.  He exerted great force on the two pillars and they collapsed causing the temple to be crushed to the ground and with it Samson and the Philistines that were gathered there.  In doing so, Samson killed more Philistines at his death than he did all throughout his lifetime.

What can we learn from this uncommon story?  I think a good take away would be that we value the calling the Lord has placed on each of our lives.  No matter who you are, if you belong to Christ, you have God-given gifts and abilities.  You also have a mission.  We have been chosen to build up the body of Christ and to win the world to Him.  We all have a part to play.  But our focus can become muddied by worldly living, if we allow it.  Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus and esteem the calling on our lives.  If we do, we will not only start well, we will live for God in a steady and consistent manner, and we will finish well with the strength that the Lord provides.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Infinite Love

I thought I stumbled upon it
Like Columbus encountering the American shores
But You sought me out
You drew me towards Infinite Love

Once I was aware of You,
My life began to change
Like black and white
Now bleeding with diverse color

You transformed me
Your love so pure, so driven
A catalyst so potent

Your love knows no limits
Your infinite love
It leads me to eternity's shores

Your love spills over
Instilling in me a passion
For the souls of men finding freedom
That they may taste and see
The goodness of God

That they may know firsthand
Your infinite love

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sometimes We Sow, Sometimes We Reap!

A few days ago, my wife and I had the glorious opportunity of leading one of our caregivers to Jesus.  She was having some family issues that were difficult.  She opened up to Lou, and Lou began to tell her of God’s love and the plan of salvation.  I overheard their conversation and joined them.  Soon we led her in a prayer of salvation. 

We invited her to church and will be buying her a Bible.  God is so wonderful!  It is awesome to be a part of bringing souls to Christ.  Jesus, our Lord, gets all the glory!
Sometimes we sow with a word in season or a kind act.  Other times we reap the harvest, but it is always God who makes things grow. 

If you haven’t accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, please consider praying the prayer below.  After you have done so, feel free to contact me. (My email address is I’d be happy to help you along on your journey with Christ.  Here is the prayer….
Dear Father God,

I am sorry for my sins.  I have things in my heart that aren’t right.  I have done things that are wrong.  I have sinned against You and others.  Thank you for forgiving me - for washing me in your precious blood.  Jesus, You went to the cross to pay my sin debt.  I receive Your forgiveness and Your gift of salvation.  Thank you for making me righteous before You.  Dear Lord, I choose to follow You all my days.  Thank you for securing for me a home in heaven.  I love you Lord, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Give us a Burden

Fervent cries from the heart
To the Almighty
Calling for revival
For hearts to be transformed
Asking for salvation
To the ends of the earth

God moves in like a tempest
Destroying the deeds of darkness
See the lightening
Hear the roars of thunder

Lord, touch this earth
With Your power
With Your love
Bring salvation to the ends of the earth
Give us a burden to see Your kingdom come

We, Your children, will pray

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trusting the Lord to Promote You

Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul's robe. Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe. He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord's anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.” 1 Samuel 24:4b-6

David was called as a teenager to be Israel's next king. He was to replace king Saul in God's timing. David kept a loyal heart – first to God and second to the Lord's anointed, king Saul. But Saul treated him harshly. His jealousy drove him to try to kill David on several occasions.

David had the opportunity to end Saul's life and assume the throne, but he chose the path of integrity. He spared Saul's life. Instead of killing king Saul, He cut a corner of Saul's robe. He even felt remorse over this act.

David trusted in the sovereignty of God, and eventually, he became king. Do you feel called to a place of ministry? Are you sometimes plagued by others in leadership who are jealous of you? Take the high road and trust the Lord to deliver you. If you wait on Him, He will not disappoint you. Let me warn you that if you choose to take the matter in your own hands, you will reap what you sow. God will not bless your efforts, and you will be sorry that you gave into your pride.

Dear Father God,
Help me to be loyal to You and to those in leadership over me, even if I do not always agree with their decisions. Help me to cultivate a humble heart and allow You to exalt me in due time. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness in my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Word

A Prophetic Word given at FaithBridge Church on 8/11/13

I saw a picture of a mountain with ice. The ice melted and the water flowed into a valley...

Here is the word...

My word to you is life. It is refreshing. It is sustenance. My word is a fire that burns. It purges you. It brings sanctification. My word to you brings life in fertile soil. Cultivate the seed of my word in your heart. My word is a weapon against the evil one. Listen to my word to you and obey, and you will find great success.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

You are Free (A Prophetic Word)

I am the head over all the universe. I am the King over every ruler.  Yet I abide in the hearts of those who are contrite and tremble at my word.  I have called you to freedom.  You are free in Me.  My freedom is yours.  You are not trying to be free; you are free as a result of your relationship with me.  You are not trying to get healed; you are healed in Christ.  You are not trying to be blessed; you are already blessed.  Those that know me – those who are born from above, have victory living on the inside of them.  Rise up and take your rightful place in Me.  Know that you are more than conquerors through Me and My sacrifice on the cross.  I love you with a great love.  I will never leave you nor forsake you.  My hand is on you.  Stand therefore in the liberty that I have given you.  Fight the good fight of faith.  You have already been given all you need to succeed.  My hand is on you, and I love you says the Lord.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Come to the Quiet

Come to the quiet
Lay aside your busyness
Give the Lord your burden
Look to Him
See Him with the eyes of your heart
See His beauty on display

Listen with the ears He gives you
Hear his gentle voice
Find purpose
Find direction
Find new strength
In the quiet

If you come to Him in full abandon,
You will find comfort there
His word will come alive
And you will witness His healing power
In the quiet

Saturday, July 20, 2013

On Hearing His Voice

My sheep hear my voice. John 10:27

The Lord desires to speak to His children. Yes, He communicates to us through His written word. Jesus, the Living Word and the Scriptures our the foundation for our faith. But the Lord offers us the ability to hear His voice so He can convey His love for us, guide us, shepherd us, and make us more like Him. Don't you want that kind of fellowship with the Lord?

Allow the Lord to speak to You. Spend time in His presence and write down any impressions or spontaneous words you may hear. He usually speaks to us in a still small voice. Jesus said, "My sheep recognize my voice." (John 10:14)  If you are His, you have access to this kind of relationship. Come before Him and ask Him to speak to you. Then write down what you hear. After you have finished, weigh what you have written against the truth of Scripture. If there is anything you've written that does not agree with the truth of God's word, throw it away. But if you are devoted to the Lord and regularly saturate yourself with the words of the Bible, you will find that much of what you hear comes from the Lord. Here is something the Lord spoke to me this morning....

Dear Jesus,

What would You say to me this day?

Come My son and worship Me. Spend time in My presence. Let Me cover you in My love. I take great delight in our time together. Your worship blesses Me. Let Me minister to you as you minister to Me. I am with you as you minister to Me. I am with you. I have clothed you in My righteousness. You are mine; I am yours. Come and follow me. Come and spread my good news. Allow me to use you. I love you and I have chosen you. Come.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Who is sound through and through
Keeps her word, speaks the truth?

Who admits when he has failed
Turns from sin, and then prevails?

Who chooses honor over fame
Walks with courage
Will not cheat in the game?

Who puts God first
Over thirst
For other things?

Who chooses right
Throughout the fight?

A person of integrity that's who
One who chooses to be true
Relying on the Spirit and the word
This individual's prayers will be heard

The Lord's blessing this person will see
Because he or she lives with integrity

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Threading the Needle

I attempted to thread a needle
But could not see the eye
I turned the instrument under the light
Then the hole fell into sight

With a movement of my hand
The thread pierced the hole

When we face a problem
The solution may not be easy to see
Until we seek the Lord

He gives us His perspective
Then we can thread the needle
And find success in all our endeavors
Because of Christ our Leader

With God's help
All things are possible
The big and the small
The little and the tall

God's resources are never meager
With His wisdom, we can thread the needle

Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Anniversary Lou!!!

Seek and you will find.  This is true of our relationship with the Lord, but it is also true when finding someone to spend your life with.  My wife continually encourages me to reach higher and to go further in all of life’s pursuits.  She is a beautiful woman, but her beauty reaches deep beneath the exterior.  Her love for the Lord draws me closer to her, and that genuine love for Jesus and for me causes her to shine.  I am grateful to God that I have her as my companion and my lover.  I don’t know where I would be without her.  This day marks our eleventh year anniversary.

Happy Anniversary Lou, my Angel!!!



Saturday, June 22, 2013


There remains, then a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; (Hebrews 4:9 NIV)

There is a tension between work and rest and a time under heaven for both. But sometimes I struggle to find the healthy rhythm that pleases You. You ordained both diligence and ease. You desire for us to excel in work and ministry, but You also are delighted when we allow time for Sabbath-rest.

In our busy culture, those who are highly successful in business are lauded and praised. We don't normally find encouragement when we take time to rest and play. But God rested on the seventh day after His creation of the world. He did this to provide an example for us so we would learn to take time to worship Him and find refreshment.

Teach us Lord to work diligently as unto You. Teach us to be productive and to use our time wisely for your glory. But, Lord, help us to know when to lay aside the daily grind and to glory in Your embrace. For there is both a time to work and a time to rest and receive all that You have for us. Thank You Father! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.  

Friday, June 14, 2013

I Remember

I remember times when you answered me
Times when you rent the heavens
You heard my prayer
Days when I found victory
Even in my weakness

You upheld me
You healed me
You showed me the way
I remember Your faithfulness 

You are perfect in all Your ways
When I look back upon the road travelled
I see Your guiding hand
I see Your character displayed 

Not all my questions are answered
But when I see You face to face
The veil will be taken away
Those things I saw as through a mist
Will be understood clear as day 

Thank You Lord for Your faithfulness
You are good and Your mercy endures forever

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Way to Peace

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 NIV

The heart of every Christian carries Christ. We are one with Him in spirit. But what happens when our hearts are divided, when we fellowship with our Lord on one hand and worry and fear on the other? We sometimes allow ourselves to be distracted by worry. In fact, one of the Greek meanings of the word translated to worry means to be distracted. In the parable of the sower of the seed (Mark 4), we are told that the cares or worries of this life choke the word that is sown into our hearts. Worry causes us to be drawn in different directions. It displaces the life of God inside us. It is detrimental to our spiritual and emotional lives. It can even affect our health. We can break down the word disease into two parts “dis” and “ease”. Scientists have proven that many medical conditions are caused by stress and anxiety. Finally and most importantly, the Bible commands us not to worry and calls all anxiety sin.

So we understand that anxiety is not good for us, and we can see that it is not what God desires for our lives. But how should we tackle the problem of a worrisome heart. The Scriptures give us the antidote. He outlines for us the way to peace: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).”

We are to cast our cares upon Him. We are to come to Him with specific requests concerning what we are anxious about, and we are to follow these requests with thanksgiving. Why? Because a person with true faith believes that he or she has received the thing that they are praying for before they receive it. We are also to surrender the outcome of any situation to God. When we do these things, God promises to give us His supernatural peace. We can rest like a baby in her mother's arms even when things are not going the way we want them to. We must trust in His provision and His intervention in our lives. Always remember, the Lord that we pray to is our loving Eternal Father. He will take watchful and diligent care of us. He will envelop us and fill us with His supernatural peace that passes all understanding. He will give us the grace to walk in His peace.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please search my heart and show me if I am allowing worry to distract me. I give to You all my cares and concerns. I trust You to make a way where there is no way in my specific situation. Thank you Lord for working on my behalf. I receive Your peace. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Christ's Blood Set Me Free

My head was upraised
My neck stiff and arrogant
The world was my home
Self sat comfortably on the throne
I went with the flow
Canoed the murky river

Yet Someone called my name
It was an odd voice
I heard it once before
When a gospel salesman came to my door
A salesman not greedy for the stuff of this earth
His heart was an open door
But I stiffened

This second time I turned to listen
The voice came through a gospel singer
He sang and spoke of freedom

I ran to the cross
Exchanged the chains that engulfed me
For a crown

Jesus saved me
Not through an effort of my own
But through His sacrifice alone

Now I climb the mountain
Swim against the tide
Now I choose to bring the gospel far and wide

Grace is the Banner over me
Christ’s blood set me free

Sunday, May 12, 2013

With Songs of Joy

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully and shout for joy. Psalm 33:3 NIV (2011)

Among other things, David was a musician. An accomplished songwriter and skillful harpist, David sung his songs of praise in the countryside while tending his father's sheep. Some must have heard his melodic offerings to God. Why else would his name be mentioned in a meeting of king Saul's advisors. They were looking for a minstrel. Someone to play the harp to ease Saul's troubled mind. They sent for David and his music brought temporary relief to king Saul's darkened mind. David brought beautiful music to the king coupled with the Spirit's power.

We are to set a guard over our hearts. Music can be an influence for good or for evil in our lives. I play guitar, write songs, and sing. I am a music lover. Almost all of the music I listen to is Christian in nature. Christian music lifts me, it encourages me, leads me to praise my Maker, and propels me to think on things above. I am not saying that all other music is evil. I do believe, however, that some music is damaging to our spiritual and emotional lives. I also believe that the majority of the music we listen to should glorify the One who is the Author of anointed song.

Lucifer led the angelic choir in heaven long before the earth was born. The Scriptures describe him as having musical instruments built into his body. He was a beautiful anointed creature until iniquity was found in him. Lucifer rebelled against God. Because of his prideful heart, he was cast out of heaven along with a third of the angelic beings, who also rebelled. Lucifer or Satan is a real being and he is still highly skilled in music. I believe he works through some of the secular artists of our day drawing men, women, and children away from our Heavenly Father.

The highest purpose for music is to draw God's people to praise and worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Let's allow our Lord to fill us with His song of praise. It does not matter if we can carry a tune. It matters only that our hearts are in tune with the One who sings over us with songs of joy.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Ministering with a Pure Heart

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 NLT

While praying the other day, a thought came to my mind.  It went something like this, “Success in Christian service is measured not by the largeness of your ministry but by the depth of your heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7 says that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at our hearts.  If we have pure hearts, our ministry to others will be untainted and effective.  But if our hearts are not in tune with God’s Spirit and God’s word our ministry to others – no matter how “successful” – will not please our Master.
The Scripture says that David was a man after God’s heart.  He had a big heart for God.  The Lord told Samuel to anoint the next king of Israel among Jesse’s sons.  The Lord had Samuel pass by all seven of David’s brothers.  The young lad was not even invited to the event – he was watching over his family’s herd of sheep.  Samuel asked for David and anointed him to be king.  Though David had many failures in his life, his tender heart for God made him the greatest king Israel ever had.  Acts 13:36 says, “For David after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers….”  David served his own generation by the will of God.  This tells me that David’s life ultimately pleased God.  

I also want to live a life that pleases God and I am sure you do too.  I know that the Lord desires that we bear much fruit.  It is, of course, better that we reach many people rather than a few, but is the quality of our ministry that matters most to the Father. 
Let’s be diligent to guard our hearts while we believe the Lord for a greater impact in ministry.  Let’s keep our relationship with Jesus sweet and intimate.  When we keep this as the first thing in our lives, God will see fit to trust us with greater influence in ministry.   If the root is good, the branches will flourish.

Dear Father God,
Help me to guard my heart with all diligence.  Teach me to worship, pray, and feed on your word daily.  Shine your light on anything in my heart that is not right.  Let me minister to others with a pure heart.  Thank you for using me in a mighty way for your glory.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Friday, April 26, 2013

You Are His Masterpiece

You are His masterpiece
The imprints of God’s fingers cover you

Made in His image
Created for noble purposes
You have a unique, well-fitted calling

To draw the aimless crowd into the Savior’s arms
To bring the good news message near and far
To sow the seeds of God’s word
Into hungry hearts

You are gifted
With supernatural abilities
Infused with God’s Spirit
You are more than able
Through Christ’s ability

You were created for great things
Not to settle for mediocre living
Pursue the Master
Live on fire for the mission He has called you to

As you follow Him
Your one life will make a significant difference
Like a mile-wide ripple on the ocean surface

Sunday, April 21, 2013

You Are Complete in Him!

And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. 
Colossians 2:10 KJV

The Christian walk is not hard; it is impossible. Holiness is unattainable. We can never live like Christ asked us to live in our own strength. It's like trying to climb a mountain wearing Rollerblades on our feet and mittens over our fingers. It simply can't be done. But when we take a different approach the impossible becomes possible.

We must understand that our position in Christ is that of completion. We are complete in Him. He has made us righteous. We are not to try to become righteous. We can rest in the finish work of Christ. Out of that understanding we can take up our cross and follow Christ. But while we bear the weight of the beam, we must understand that we are not to bear it alone. Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” A yoke is an instrument used to harness two animals that pull a plow. Jesus is yoked to us, and He wants to hold the greater portion of the weight. We do not walk this road alone. His grace will enable us, motivate us, and energize us. He will make us holy.

Our growth in Him takes time, and in the process, we will fall many times. But blessed is the man, woman, or child who learns to get back up. God's grace is to be the motivator and the sustainer of our lives. No matter how far we may fall, God sees us as complete in Him. When we miss the mark, God wants us to confess our sins to Him and go on. It is in an atmosphere of grace that God's ways will take root in our hearts. The Holy Spirit will sanctify us (make us holy). He will enable us to grow. We must remember that positionally we are already complete in Him. As we allow Him, the Lord is bringing about the practical application of our completeness in Christ. Philippians 1:6 says that we can be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it unto completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Prayer Response to Today's Tragedy

Let us pray for those affected by the Boston Marathon Bombing.  Pray for healing.  Pray for peace.  Pray for comfort.  Pray that the Lord will allow good to come from this terrible tragedy.  Let us ask the Lord to bring about swift justice and yet, for those who caused this, that they would know the conviction and deliverance that comes from the Holy Spirit.

Dear Father God, we pray that You would minister Your grace to those that are suffering from today’s horrific event.  For the victims and their families we ask You Lord to touch each life.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

When Blessings Abound

The unobtrusive stream carves
A canyon through mountain rock
Over time faithfulness pays
Victory is born from minor successes
Sometimes falling, always rising

A faithful man or woman
Abounds with blessings
Like a waterfall
Drenching fertile soil
Like a coral reef
Brimming with color-filled life

Saturday, April 6, 2013

On Earth as it is in Heaven

And when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] prostrated themselves before the Lamb. Each was holding a harp (lute or guitar), and they had golden bowls full of incense (fragrant spices and gums for burning), which are the prayers of God's people (the saints). And [now] they sing a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the scroll and to break the seals that are on it, for You were slain (sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased men unto God from every tribe and language and people and nation. Revelation 5:8-9 AMP

The atmosphere of heaven is full of heartfelt praise to Almighty God. The angels with one voice extol Him. It is a place of intense worship, where Jehovah is the sole object of their devotion. And the prayers of the saints are offered as incense to Him. We, who are born from above, are called to worship as well. We are called to give to God our heartfelt praise, we are to offer Him our intercession for others and for the furtherance of His kingdom.

We can enter into the praise of heaven. Jesus said, “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We are to pray for the ways of heaven to become part of our daily experience. We are to give ourselves to intercession and praise. We are to surrender to Almighty God and let him have full reign. The Bible calls His children priests of the Most High. In the Old Testament the priests offered sacrifices to the Lord. In this present day, believers are called priests as well. And we are to offer God our sacrifices of believing prayer and fervent praise.

Although Christ calls us to live a devoted life, this does not mean that we will always enjoy life on the mountain of glory. Much of our lives on earth will be spent in the toil of the dark valley. While Jesus draws us to worship Him and pray for others, we must learn to live this out in an ordinary world. While we grow in intimacy with our Lord, we will also experience the pressure and sweat of an earthly existence. But with help of the Holy Spirit we can live out our lives on earth as it is in heaven.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The God-man

The God-man bore upon His shoulders
The weight of the world
Our hideous sin
Our sickness
Our crippling disease

At this juncture in time
He laid aside His rights to the Divine

He took our place on the cross
The substitute for our sin
His death brought mercy to the unpardonable
To those lost in sin

His forgiveness extended to the uttermost
He brought victory to each of us
When He rose

Death did not have the final say
Three days later
Came Resurrection Day

Glory to Jesus the God-man
Fully human, fully divine
Because of Him we also rise

We identify with Him
Dead to sin
Alive to God
On Satan’s head we trod

All because of this Man
Who is also Almighty God

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Aim High

Here is a link to a devotion I wrote that was published in .  I hope it ministers to you...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Prophetic Message

A prophetic word given on 3/17/13 at First Assembly of God in Wheaton, IL

I have chosen you My body, My bride. I have called you, My anointed ones. You have been given a great commission. You are called to bring the message of reconciliation to a dying world. Open up your hearts. Open up your mouths. Declare this message of My love and saving power. Choose to tell others of My great love for them. Let Me fill you with My Spirit. Let Me compel you with My love to compel others to turn to Me. You are My ambassadors. I am pleased with you My children – My set apart ones.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Way to God's Heart

Draw near unto God, and He will draw near unto you. James 4:8 NKJV

How do we get closer to God? How do we grow in intimacy with our Creator? Let me first say that just as we have to pick the right roads and the right direction to get to a physical destination, we also must choose the right path to draw closer to God. We first are enabled to reach Him by finding Christ. Jesus paved the way for us to know the Father. His death and resurrection made it possible for us to have an abiding relationship with God. If you haven't done so already, admit your need for God and receive Christ's forgiveness for your sins. We all have sinned; we all fall short of God's glory. Jesus is the Savior of sinners. He paid the price so we can have a relationship with God the Father and so that we can experience eternal life.

Once you've embarked on this journey called Christianity, you will find that true fulfillment in life is found only in Christ. This does not mean that our lives solely consist of prayer, Bible reading and church services. It does mean, however, that while we engage in the normal activities of life, we find satisfaction in living every aspect of our lives to the glory of God. We work as unto the Lord; we develop relationships that are Christ-honoring; we endeavor to please God in the way we relate to our family. As we place Christ in the center of all we do, our intimacy with Him deepens.

Of course one of the primary ways we grow in our relationship with God is through regular prayer and Bible study. Prayer is simply having dialogue with God. When we talk to our Creator, He listens. And when He speaks to us, we are to listen as well. His voice is found first in the Scriptures, but He also desires to speak to us deep within our hearts. Jesus said that My sheep know My voice.

In prayer, we give to God all our frustrations, doubts,and fears; we also express to Him our joys, our praise, and our gratitude. Prayer refreshes us and draws us closer to the One who saved us. We are to couple prayer with the attentive reading of the Bible. Our desire should be to obey the word of God. When we make the choice to obey Scripture, we find that our lives become fine tuned to the Master. We become more sensitive to His promptings. Our ears adjust more closely to the frequency of the Holy Spirit. As we grow in obedience to the Lord, we also begin to look more and more like Christ.

When we draw near to God in these ways, He draws near to us. Psalm 103:7 in the New Living Translation says, “He (God) revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel.” New Living Translation, parenthesis mine. When we draw closer to God, He begins to reveal to us His nature – His heart. The Israelites were content in experiencing God's miracles. Let's reach further in our relationship with Christ. Let's allow Him to teach us the depth of His ways. He will teach us if we will only draw near to Him.

Let's invite the Holy Spirit to guide us on our journey to grow closer to the One who saved us. He will help us find the way – the way to God's heart.