Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Faith's Stand

“… Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

When we feed our faith with God’s word, it grows. Faith believes the unseen will be realized. It is the confidence that God will be faithful to His promise. We must always build faith’s foundation on the living word of God. When we rest upon our Father’s word and praise Him for His future blessings, we please God. As we add patience to the mix, we find that, in his perfect time, we inherit the promises.

True faith flows from a heart that loves God and a life that obeys Him. Such a life becomes fertile ground for the Lord to manifest His miracles. The goal of our faith must ultimately be to give God glory and to advance His Kingdom.

The act of believing will always stand contrary to the world and its ways. When we choose to trust the Lord along a particular vein, we move in a direction that contrasts human logic and reasoning. Noah heard the word of the Lord. He believed a flood was eminent. The downpour would come as a form of judgment on mankind, but the world had never experienced rain before. Instead, the earth’s flora received nourishment through natural springs that streamed from beneath the earth. Noah built an ark of wood on dry land in obedience to God’s command. He proclaimed that a terrible flood would ensue.

The people thought him a fool, but in the end the rains came, and Noah and his family found safety through adhering to, and believing in, the word of the Lord. Unfortunately, those that did not believe lost their lives.

We must declare His promise is true even when it looks as though that special thing could never happen. With God all things are possible! God is faithful to His word, and we must remain faithful in believing. The Lord promises to take care of us; He also wants us to extend our faith in ways that cause us to be a blessing to others. It is important to remember that God will only give us those things that conform to His written word.

God also knows what benefits us the most. In all our believing, God remains sovereign. He will only grant to us those things that will complement His specific will for our lives.

Dear Sovereign Lord,

I ask you to give to me my heart's desires that agree with your will for my life. I believe that you can do anything. Nothing is impossible for you. I love you Lord and understand that you know what's best for me. Have your way dear Lord and answer the petitions of my heart and soul. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

© Copyright 2008 by Tom Toya. All rights reserved.

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