Thursday, December 31, 2015

Jesus' Birth and the New Year

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.  Isaiah 43:19

This time of year we celebrate Christmas and the coming of the New Year.  Christmas is the celebration of the Incarnation or the birth of the God-man Jesus who was fully human and fully divine.  He was born to live out a completely sinless life – though He was tempted and tried just as we are.  Jesus was born to die in our place.   After His death came His resurrection.  His sacrifice secured a place in heaven for those that would put their trust in Him and in what He did for us on the cross.  Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection also bought for us healing, deliverance, and new beginnings.  This New Year that awaits us can be full of the new blessings that God has in store for us.  We couldn’t have them unless Christ came down to earth.  

God the Father has wonderful things in store for His children.  It is through the power of what Jesus has done for us that we can lay hold of these new and wonderful things.  The Scripture says, “Behold I do a new thing…”

If you have made poor decisions this past year, if you have sinned, our Lord will forgive you and you can start again.  If you confess your sins to Him, He is faithful to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). 
If great difficulty marred your year, God will help you to find peace, love, and ultimately victory as you trust and obey Him.

He will give new plans and strategies to those who seek Him.  He will open doors that have been closed for years.  He will pave the way for a bright future for each of you.  He that has begun a good work in you will complete it.  He will finish what He’s started in you and through you (Philippians 1:6).

Come and pray this New Year prayer with me….

Dear Father God, 

Thank you for sending Jesus to be born on this earth, to die for me, and to save me.  Thank you for giving me a new future.  I ask you to forgive me for my sins, and I thank you for your forgiveness.  I declare, I am forgiven, and I am saved.  You have healed me and blessed me.  I choose to live for you every day of my life.  I ask you Lord to give me a vision for the New Year before me.  I ask you to open doors so that I can serve you in the way you desire and so I can receive all your many blessings.  I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Same Spirit

The same Spirit that resurrected the Christ

Lives inside me, heals my body, saves my life

Healing power is in His hands

He delivers me, He makes me stand

Rest upon His promise sure

That He will make you strong and pure

Rest upon His promise great

That you are healed in Jesus' name

By Jesus stripes we have been healed

The lashes on His back revealed

This blessing from the Lord is sealed

We are healed! We are healed!

Sometimes His power arrives all at once

Sometimes it's a gradual occurrence

We know that all who believe the Lord

Will receive when we come to heaven's shores

The same Spirit that resurrected the Christ

Lives inside me, heals my body, saves my life

Healing power is in His hands

He delivers me and makes me stand

Let's rest in His hand

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Man Named Nimrod

Cush was the father of Nimrod, who became a mighty warrior on earth. 1 Chronicles 1:10

Who was this man named Nimrod? Was he godly or carnal? Holy or fleshly? In Genesis 10:8 it says that Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord. At first glance, it seems that he was a hunter that had a heart for God. But scholars believe that Nimrod was a bold man who used his skills in defiance before God. His name actually means rebel. Another translation is tyrant. He used his might to build cities and kingdoms. It is probable that he also used his prowess hunt to down and kill men, but he could have used his abilities to protect and help others.

We all have been given gifts and talents. It is up to us to use them to build God's kingdom. Like Nimrod, we have a choice. Let's serve the Lord with our talents instead of rebelling against the one who loves us.

 Determine to use your talents to please the Lord and serve people.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Here We Are

Here are the lyrics to a Christmas song I just wrote.  I hope you like it...

© Copyright 2015 by Tom Toya

Here We Are

Here we are gathered round

Singing songs, make a joyful sound

Under the tree, gifts for friends and family

We wait to open them expectantly

But the greatest gift this Christmas

Is full of grace and richness

Yes the greatest gift this Holiday

Is the love we share today

Is the love we share today

I know God the Father's smilen'

Over me, over you

As we lift each other higher

With a love that's true

And the greatest gift this Christmas

Was the One the Father gave

His precious Son named Jesus

Oh, He came. Yes, He came

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Gentle Breeze

A gentle breeze caresses my head of salt and pepper
The ocean mist fills my nostrils
I am overwhelmed by Your tender mercy

The release came after
After I offered You my burden of death
That slavery to the code

Grace arrested me
Favor rescued me
Grace lifted my back breaking burden

There is no condemnation in Your embrace
No judging finger

Jesus' gentle breeze floods my soul
Even in the midst of a storm, I know You’re with me

How did this poem make you feel?  Is your walk with Jesus characterized by grace and peace or by striving and self-effort?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Encouragement for the Valley

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits -“ Psalm 103:2

If your staggering through the deepest valley in the day, look up you can still view the sun. At night you can still gaze at the sun's reflection in the moon. Wherever you are in life, no matter your situation, God is with you. When we go through hard times, we can remember Christ's presence in our lives in times past. We can remember when God intersected us at our point of need.

We can remember times that He has forgiven us and caused our guilt to melt away. We can remember when God provided for us or when he exchanged our sickness for His health. The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will come through for us again, but we must continue to stride through the valley, even if it is a wasteland, knowing that God will bring us back to the mountaintop.

In the midst of our sorrow, let praise be heard once again. Let's praise the Lord for his goodness and for the times He has come through for us. Let's also praise Him in expectation of His miracles.

You must know that God is good and He wants only the best for you. What He has begun in you He will finish. He is crafting you and shaping you to reflect Christ more vividly. Then He will use you more powerfully.

Let's keep up the pace in the valley and allow God to bring us to a spacious place. He is faithful and He will do it.

Monday, November 2, 2015

When We Become Small

When we become small
He shows Himself BIG
When we bow down
He lifts us up

Open doors swing wide
When we shut the door to pride

Favor flows from God
As we expect the blessing
Favor trickles down
As we listen to the sound
His voice leads us to the place
God dreams for us

Promotion comes from the Lord
As we serve with faithful hands

Monday, October 19, 2015


Here is a prophetic word for every follower of Christ...

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

I have chosen you My child to come out of the darkness into the light. I have called you to shine for Me. To display My glory to all those around you. My love is what motivates Me. I love you with an everlasting love. My hand is upon you. I have chosen you to sing My praises, to reflect my goodness to the world around. You are to take my message and take my power to a world that's dying. I chose you, I adopted you, I ransomed you. You are mine. You fill my heart with joy. I sing over you. I dance a dance of celebration. Draw near to me. Give up any other gods that would delude you. Stand for my truth. I am your God and I have chosen you this day. Come to me and feel the power of my love. Come away with me and know that you are chosen. Chosen by Me – your Lord and your God.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

His Creative Word

With eyes that see eternity
He gazed upon the black chaos
The Great I Am spoke a word of power
“Light be” and light was

The earth and all creation
A kaleidoscope of His glory
Formed from His creative word

Man He fashioned from the dust of the earth
He breathed life into the lungs of man and he arose
He was made in the Almighty’s image
And God said this creation was very good

We are made in His image
We too can speak words of power
Let God’s word be the blueprint for our speech
Let us speak words of life and not death
Words of faith not doubt
Words of love and not hate

Lord, give us eyes to see eternity
So we can flow with rhythm of Your purpose on the earth
Let us as one proclaim
"Lord, Your will be done
Your Kingdom come!"

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Out of Every Trial

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Psalm 34:19 KJV

Some years ago I went on a mission trip with five other people to China. It wouldn't be wise for me to go into great detail about the trip. I will say that on one of the days a friend and I went to a large city in that great land. We preached in a small underground gathering and then secretly made our way back to the home where we previously had dinner.

Darkness had settled on the land because it was getting late. While we were having dessert, the owner of the home said, “Quick! Go into the other room and shut the lights. Be quiet!” Policemen surrounded the area. Their flashlights could be seen searching in the night. Our group quietly prayed for deliverance. If caught, my friend and I could be forced to leave the country. But if one of our Chinese brothers or sisters were caught, they could easily be placed in prison for participating in a non-sanctioned Christian event. After about twenty minutes, the policemen disappeared. Then my friend and I caught a taxi and made our way back to our hotel. We learned later that some of our friends at home in the United States were praying for us at that exact time. The Lord truly delivered us out of our trouble.

If you are facing a trial, know that God will not allow you to experience anything you cannot handle. He also will deliver you at the appropriate time and in his way. Trust the Lord with all of your heart. Believe him to bring you freedom and deliverance. God is faithful he will never leave you nor forsake you. Believe and expect him to bring you deliverance from every affliction and trial you face.

Dear Father God,

Thank you for making a way out of my troubles. Help me to follow your lead and to find victory on the other side of my trials. I trust you Lord to set me free and to deliver me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Today one of my poems is featured at  Just click

Thank you for reading.  I invite your comments with all my entries.  I hope this poem will make you think a bit, and I hope you enjoy it.


Tom Toya

Thursday, September 3, 2015

My Prince of Peace

The slick swift pace of life
Nibbles at my peace
When I set my eyes on you Lord
You set my heart at ease

When I give in to the tempest and the tide
When I allow doubt to creep in like a choking vine
I find unrest deep inside my soul
I must give You full control

You came so I could be saved
From the chaos that surrounds me
I must reduce my pace
Slow down, so I can be free

When I set my face like a flint upon
Your promises and Your commands
I experience You as my Prince of Peace
You cause me to stand

Oh that I would be wise enough
To simplify my life
And find victory over the strife

You are my Prince of Peace
Worry you must flee
You are My Shepherd Friend
I will love You till the end

You are my Prince of Peace
It’s You only that I see
I cast my cares on you
Savior, You are true

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Prophetic Word: Lily of the Valley

Given at FaithBridge Church on August 16, 2015

I am the Lilly of the Valley. My glory abounds in the valley of your trials and negative circumstances. I am in control. I will not give you more than you can handle. I am with you in the midst of the suffering. I am perfecting and maturing you. My rainbow will be seen in the rain. I promise to bring you through. I am with you on the mountain top and in the valley. I am the Lily of the Valley. Fear not for I am with you always.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Judge Not

“Don’t criticize, and then you won’t be criticized.  For others will treat you as you treat them.” Matthew 7:1-2 Living Bible

It’s easy for us to point the finger at others, yet God’s word tells us not to judge.  The self-righteous Pharisees were famous for criticizing others, yet Jesus said their hearts were evil.  If we judge others, then we will be judged in the same manner – by God and by others.  There is a time to correct a sister or a brother, but this should be as the Spirit leads.  Judging others is not to become our primary “ministry”.  Jesus said we should look at our own lives to remove the plank in our own eye so we can remove the speck in our neighbor’s eye.  We must remember that we are all sinners, that we all have faults.  After searching our hearts, we should first of all pray for that individual.  In fact, the majority of the time it would be best for us to stop at this juncture.  Prayer, most often, is the best way to assist our neighbor when we notice something in them that is inconsistent with upright Christian living.

But sometimes prayer is not enough.  We should ask the Lord, for His guidance.  If we sense that the Jesus is leading us to confront someone, then we are to restore our brother or sister gently.  We are to speak the truth of God’s word in love.  Love must permeate this encounter. 

Let’s guard our hearts against being critical of others.  Love is to be our aim.  Let’s be quick to pray and slow to speak.  If the body of Christ were to put this into practice it would have a profound effect on our churches and in our world.