Sunday, November 30, 2014


A prophetic word given at FaithBridge Church in West Chicago, IL on 11/30/14

I saw a picture of the Lord on His throne. He was pointing to the earth.

Go my people, go into all the world. Go and speak of my great name. Proclaim my message. Let my love motivate you. Let my love make you bold. Invite your friends. Invite your family. Invite the ones in darkness to partake of my feast. Bring them into my family. For the power of the cross has not diminished. Go and I will make them my own. Go and I will bless you one hundred fold.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Be Thankful

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Thessalonians 5:18 NLT

Thankfulness is the proper response to God's blessing. One day Jesus healed ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19). He sent them to show themselves to the priests. As they went, they were cleansed, but only one returned to Jesus to give thanks. This man was a Samaritan who received praise from the Lord. But Christ asked, “Where are the other nine?” We may wonder at times what God's will is for our lives. We ask God's will for big and little decisions. We don't always know what we should do, but it is always God's will that we be joyful and give thanks.

Learning to be thankful starts as a decision. A decision that we make with God's strength. As we learn to give thanks regularly, gratitude becomes our lifestyle.

We are to thank God in all circumstances but not for all circumstances. Not everything we face in life comes from the Lord's hand.

When we thank God, we invite His presence in our lives. We also open the door for us to become more intimate with our Father God. Being thankful also defeats the enemy in our lives.

Let's remember the things that we can be thankful for. Things like good health, food to eat, friends and
family, and especially our relationship with the Savior. All of us have things that we can be thankful for. This Thanksgiving let's praise and thank our Heavenly Father for His many blessings.

Dear Father God,

Thank you for all your blessings and for your great love for me. Help me to be thankful always. Help me also to share my blessings with others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Oyster

It lay unobtrusive in the belly of the oyster
Under the cold blue waters
A single grain of sand
An irritant
The beginning of a blessing

Trouble twists and turns us
Along the path
But God uses hardships
For our benefit

The Lord transforms our peril into pearls
It is only through the irritant
That a pearl is formed
It is only through difficulty
That our character is carved
Into Christ's likeness

The Holy Spirit uses our pain
To produce within us His priceless pearls
Building blocks comprising Christian maturity

Joseph felt the sting
When they sold him into slavery
When they thrust him into prison
Though innocent

But these years made him
Into a man
Wise and full of integrity
At the appointed time
He was lifted to a place of prominence
Second in command of Egypt

The Lord transforms our peril into pearls
Suffering into a treasure of the sea
As we offer Him our lives,
God is changing you and me

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Glorious Invitation

God calls us to a glorious invitation. We have been invited to partake in a bountiful banquet. We have access to the presence of the King. The Lord desires intimacy with all His children, and it is possible for us to experience a deep personal relationship with our Lord. You can hear His voice. You can experience His presence.

Christ's blood was shed so that we could have boldness to enter into the holy of holies. All our past sins have been forgiven. They are washed by the blood. We must believe that we have been forgiven. God wants us to repent of our sin, confess it before Him, and accept His gift of righteousness.

The Holy Spirit desires to draw us into a more personal relationship with God. We can come into His presence through praise and worship and through prayer. We can also grow in our relationship with Him by reading and obeying His word. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth.

Let's draw near to the One who changes hearts. Let's worship the Master. Let's approach Him in humility. In His presence is fullness of joy. Let's make it our practice to enter into His presence every day. When we spend time with our Father God, we experience inner transformation. When we draw near to Him, we are changed. Come and partake of the bountiful banquet the Lord has prepared for you. Come into the presence of the King. Make it your habit to come into the King's presence and you will never be the same – all because of His glorious invitation!

Dear Father God,

Thank you for inviting me into Your presence. Please forgive me of any sin that would hinder me from knowing You. I thank You that I have been made righteous because of Your precious blood. Lord, I surrender all to You and I worship You. You are pure and holy. Lord, I love you. Help me to know You more. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!         

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Inside This Well

Lord You see the recesses of my heart
Every nook and cranny
Every single part

Is the water clean inside this well?
Am I bound to heaven or bound to hell?

Is wisdom flowing from this spring?
Or is it foolishness I bring?

Help me Lord to live for You
To abide in love
To live for truth

You see the rooms inside my heart
Take up your throne
Fill up each part

When Your blood atones for my misdeeds,
Then I shall be pure
Then I shall be clean

Let me not taint the water I give away
With selfish deeds and selfish ways

Come search my heart oh Holy Spirit
Let me know Your truth
Let me always fear it

Come search my heart oh Holy King
Come seek until you find anything
That grieves Your heart and brings displeasure
May Your blood cleanse and bring this treasure

Of a willing heart and willing mind
Of a well within where beggars find
Your living water flowing full and free

Bringing others to blessed eternity