Thursday, January 2, 2014

Achieving God-given Dreams

Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. Proverbs 29:18

Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor. Proverbs 12:24

My wife and I celebrated our honeymoon in Hawaii during the summer of 2002. One day, while on the island of Maui, we discovered a music store. I am a guitar player, so I naturally began trying out different instruments. Then a disheveled man in his thirties strolled into the store. He wore tattered clothes and his dark hair was out of place, but he picked up a guitar and then a ukulele and made the two instruments sing. It was evident that the man had musical skill.

The store owner approached him. “Bob (I don't remember his real name), why don't you work for me as a teacher?”
Bob replied with a smile, “I don't think so. I like my life the way it is.”
Bob lived on the beach; he decided not to work, even when he was offered a job that he probably would enjoy.

So what does this story have to do with accomplishing our dreams? I believe that God offers to everyone a dream, vision, or revelation for his or her life. If we are living for Him, and we seek Him, the Lord will reveal to us the plans He has for us. Then it is up to us to apply diligence toward the fulfillment of the vision God has instilled in us. The Scripture says that diligent hands will rule. This means that God will make us leaders as we apply ourselves in the direction He has revealed to us.

I'm not sure what Bob's purpose is. I hope he is doing more with his life than watching the waves go by. Taking a job as a music teacher would be a good first step for him to become productive. Maybe you've heard it said that God cannot steer a parked car. When we become faithful in little things, God will see to it that we step into the bigger dreams of our lives.

Let's ask God to reveal to us His vision for our lives, and then let's apply diligence toward the completion of our goals. In the parable of the talents, the Master added talents to those that were faithful and He said to them, “Come and share in your Master's happiness.” There is joy in pursuing and achieving God's goals for our lives.

One of my goals is to write songs that are a blessing to the body of Christ. During that trip to the music store, my wife bought me a compact traveling guitar. This was a wonderful gift. I have used it to lead worship in small groups, and I have also used it to write songs.

Whatever the dreams are in your heart, determine today that you will not let time slip from your grasp. Work hard to see the dreams in your heart, come to pass. Do this with a desire to further Christ's kingdom and bring Him glory. Then your life will drip with significance.

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