Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sometimes We Sow, Sometimes We Reap!

A few days ago, my wife and I had the glorious opportunity of leading one of our caregivers to Jesus.  She was having some family issues that were difficult.  She opened up to Lou, and Lou began to tell her of God’s love and the plan of salvation.  I overheard their conversation and joined them.  Soon we led her in a prayer of salvation. 

We invited her to church and will be buying her a Bible.  God is so wonderful!  It is awesome to be a part of bringing souls to Christ.  Jesus, our Lord, gets all the glory!
Sometimes we sow with a word in season or a kind act.  Other times we reap the harvest, but it is always God who makes things grow. 

If you haven’t accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, please consider praying the prayer below.  After you have done so, feel free to contact me. (My email address is I’d be happy to help you along on your journey with Christ.  Here is the prayer….
Dear Father God,

I am sorry for my sins.  I have things in my heart that aren’t right.  I have done things that are wrong.  I have sinned against You and others.  Thank you for forgiving me - for washing me in your precious blood.  Jesus, You went to the cross to pay my sin debt.  I receive Your forgiveness and Your gift of salvation.  Thank you for making me righteous before You.  Dear Lord, I choose to follow You all my days.  Thank you for securing for me a home in heaven.  I love you Lord, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Give us a Burden

Fervent cries from the heart
To the Almighty
Calling for revival
For hearts to be transformed
Asking for salvation
To the ends of the earth

God moves in like a tempest
Destroying the deeds of darkness
See the lightening
Hear the roars of thunder

Lord, touch this earth
With Your power
With Your love
Bring salvation to the ends of the earth
Give us a burden to see Your kingdom come

We, Your children, will pray

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trusting the Lord to Promote You

Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul's robe. Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe. He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord's anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.” 1 Samuel 24:4b-6

David was called as a teenager to be Israel's next king. He was to replace king Saul in God's timing. David kept a loyal heart – first to God and second to the Lord's anointed, king Saul. But Saul treated him harshly. His jealousy drove him to try to kill David on several occasions.

David had the opportunity to end Saul's life and assume the throne, but he chose the path of integrity. He spared Saul's life. Instead of killing king Saul, He cut a corner of Saul's robe. He even felt remorse over this act.

David trusted in the sovereignty of God, and eventually, he became king. Do you feel called to a place of ministry? Are you sometimes plagued by others in leadership who are jealous of you? Take the high road and trust the Lord to deliver you. If you wait on Him, He will not disappoint you. Let me warn you that if you choose to take the matter in your own hands, you will reap what you sow. God will not bless your efforts, and you will be sorry that you gave into your pride.

Dear Father God,
Help me to be loyal to You and to those in leadership over me, even if I do not always agree with their decisions. Help me to cultivate a humble heart and allow You to exalt me in due time. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness in my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Word

A Prophetic Word given at FaithBridge Church on 8/11/13

I saw a picture of a mountain with ice. The ice melted and the water flowed into a valley...

Here is the word...

My word to you is life. It is refreshing. It is sustenance. My word is a fire that burns. It purges you. It brings sanctification. My word to you brings life in fertile soil. Cultivate the seed of my word in your heart. My word is a weapon against the evil one. Listen to my word to you and obey, and you will find great success.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

You are Free (A Prophetic Word)

I am the head over all the universe. I am the King over every ruler.  Yet I abide in the hearts of those who are contrite and tremble at my word.  I have called you to freedom.  You are free in Me.  My freedom is yours.  You are not trying to be free; you are free as a result of your relationship with me.  You are not trying to get healed; you are healed in Christ.  You are not trying to be blessed; you are already blessed.  Those that know me – those who are born from above, have victory living on the inside of them.  Rise up and take your rightful place in Me.  Know that you are more than conquerors through Me and My sacrifice on the cross.  I love you with a great love.  I will never leave you nor forsake you.  My hand is on you.  Stand therefore in the liberty that I have given you.  Fight the good fight of faith.  You have already been given all you need to succeed.  My hand is on you, and I love you says the Lord.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Come to the Quiet

Come to the quiet
Lay aside your busyness
Give the Lord your burden
Look to Him
See Him with the eyes of your heart
See His beauty on display

Listen with the ears He gives you
Hear his gentle voice
Find purpose
Find direction
Find new strength
In the quiet

If you come to Him in full abandon,
You will find comfort there
His word will come alive
And you will witness His healing power
In the quiet