Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Prayerful Challenge

The prayer of a righteous man (or woman) is powerful and effective.
James 5:16

There are many things on the earth that are powerful from the tiny atom, which man has learned to harness, to the enormous blue whale. Earthquakes and hurricanes wreak havoc upon the earth. They are also quite powerful. But I would argue that nothing is as powerful as Spirit-led prayer. Prayer can restore sight to the blind, heal the leper or the lame, and soften the hardest heart. Yes, God does miracles today through the prayers of His people!

I would like to present a challenge to everyone who reads this blog - myself included. I would ask that you invite the Lord to show you one person or one family to pray for. I am asking that you choose individuals, who, as far as you know, have not met the Savior. I would like us to commit to praying for them for 30 days, 2-5 minutes or more each day. Pray that they would be receptive to the good news of the gospel. Take authority over the enemy (in Jesus name) who has blinded their spiritual eyes. Pray for their physical needs as well. When you pray, expect God to move!

As you pray, ask God to show you how to intercede and listen for Him to guide you. Consider fasting for all or part of this time. During this season, be sensitive to ways in which you can show them the love of God. Be kind to them, and get creative. Maybe you can bring them some cookies or help them in some practical way. Be open to sharing your testimony with them, if you have the opportunity.

I understand that a challenge like this can be intimidating. Reaching out to others is risky. We do not know how people will respond to our efforts to pray and show kindness. But it is possible that God will use us in a mighty way. It is possible that the lost will be saved, if only we’ll obey. If you would like to take this challenge with me, please send me a comment on this blog to let me know. Let’s also pray for each other in our efforts to win the lost into the kingdom.

I would like to officially start this on February 7, 2012. So the thirty-day period would be from February 7th to March 7th. I look forward to serving others with you for the sake of the kingdom.


Tom Toya

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Radiant One

The day will come
When we will live in the Presence of the Son
The Radiant One

Those in Christ will receive
A glorious inheritance
Unearned treasure
The Father’s blessing

We will be clothed in bodies immortal
With heaven our home
His Presence our portion
We will delight in sweet intimacy with the Trinity
Our faces beholding His glory

Our momentary troubles on earth
Will be worth the inconvenience

Sow seeds in the garden of men’s hearts
Look to win them for eternity
Once the Son returns, it will be too late
Then we can no more win the hearts of men

Until that day
Let us pray
And winsomely beckon those in the dark
To come to the Son
The radiant One
Then heaven will forever be their home

Monday, January 23, 2012

Carrying the Weight of the Gospel

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

When a personal trainer instructs his client to bench press a heavy weight, he spots the individual. If the client is not able to carry the weight, the trainer helps lift the weight so the trainee does not suffer injury. God wants us to carry the weight of the gospel. He wants us to share it with others. Sometimes sharing the gospel can be difficult. Not everyone responds positively to the good news. Persecution can be painful, and no one likes to be rejected. But the Lord will not allow us to take on more than we can handle.

God wants us to have a passion for souls. Some have called this having a “burden for souls”. The plight of the sinner should weigh heavily upon our consciences. Those that have a burden for souls, pray often for the unsaved. They are poised, ready for any opportunity to share the message. Let’s take up our cross and follow the Master. Let’s allow Him to use us in the fight for men’s souls. Though the battle can make us weary, our Father will not give us more than we can handle.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Love is patient
Love is kind
Forgives a fault
Every time
Reaches far
Beyond the pain
To love a foe
In Jesus name

For God so loved the world He gave
All He was
In the most costly way
He took our place upon the cross
So we would not
Suffer loss

We were His enemies by nature
Yet He loved us
Our beloved Savior

Love believes the best
Even when we are at our worst
Love causes us to rest
Quenches all our thirst

The love of God
Drives away all fear
The love of God
Causes us to cheer

Thank You Lord for Your mercy
Your love beyond measure
Thank for forgiving me
And giving me this treasure
A relationship with You Lord
Is the greatest thing I've known
This love that you have given me
Causes me to grow

You are loving
You are Love
You came down from up above
You are loving
You are Truth
And I am nothing without You

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Prophetic Word for 2012

This is a prophetic word that I gave this morning at Family Life Christian Center in Wheaton, IL.  I hope it stirs you to follow the Lord more closely.  Happy New Year!
My chosen ones. My daughters. My sons.
I am coming soon. I will return to take my bride.
To bring you home. But my hand is on you now to go and spread my word.
Use the gifts that I have given you to bring them home.
Let the grace that I have shown you move you to compassion.
For this is a year of evangelism. This is a year to shine my light in the night.
I will use each of you. Let me give you my boldness. Let me clothe you in my anointing.  Yes, you can be yourself in the power of My Spirit. Yes, I will use you. All I ask is that You take a step - one step of obedience at a time. Yes, I will use you my chosen ones.  Use you to bring in the harvest, says the Lord.