Monday, October 19, 2015


Here is a prophetic word for every follower of Christ...

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

I have chosen you My child to come out of the darkness into the light. I have called you to shine for Me. To display My glory to all those around you. My love is what motivates Me. I love you with an everlasting love. My hand is upon you. I have chosen you to sing My praises, to reflect my goodness to the world around. You are to take my message and take my power to a world that's dying. I chose you, I adopted you, I ransomed you. You are mine. You fill my heart with joy. I sing over you. I dance a dance of celebration. Draw near to me. Give up any other gods that would delude you. Stand for my truth. I am your God and I have chosen you this day. Come to me and feel the power of my love. Come away with me and know that you are chosen. Chosen by Me – your Lord and your God.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

His Creative Word

With eyes that see eternity
He gazed upon the black chaos
The Great I Am spoke a word of power
“Light be” and light was

The earth and all creation
A kaleidoscope of His glory
Formed from His creative word

Man He fashioned from the dust of the earth
He breathed life into the lungs of man and he arose
He was made in the Almighty’s image
And God said this creation was very good

We are made in His image
We too can speak words of power
Let God’s word be the blueprint for our speech
Let us speak words of life and not death
Words of faith not doubt
Words of love and not hate

Lord, give us eyes to see eternity
So we can flow with rhythm of Your purpose on the earth
Let us as one proclaim
"Lord, Your will be done
Your Kingdom come!"