Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Greatest Superhero

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross! Philippians 2:5-8

Everyone loves a hero. This is evident when we witness the popularity of the Marvel-inspired movies like Spiderman, Iron Man, and The Incredible Hulk. Many of us are drawn to these icons of courage and goodwill. The hero always comes out on top, always defeats the enemy.

They are bigger than life. Stronger, faster, braver. Christ is also a Hero – the greatest Hero of all. Yes, He has “super powers”. Yes, He is the ultimate Victor. But the greatest attribute that this God-man displayed was His emptying of Himself.

When He laid down His life for the human race. He, who was and is God, became servant of all. And Jesus said the greatest among you would be your servant (Matthew23:11).

The comic books are full of superhuman beings that conquer the world. They are fictitious, but we serve a God who is 100% real. He is Almighty, All Powerful and yet he humbled Himself for our behalf. He who knew no sin became sin for us all. He paid the price of death on a cross so that we would not have to. Three days after He died, the great power of the Lord was unleashed; He rose from the dead.

He secured a place in heaven for those who will accept His forgiveness. His word says that all of us have sinned and fall short of His glory. We deserve to be doomed to an eternity of spiritual darkness. But Jesus, took the bullet for our sin. He suffered, died, and victoriously rose again from the grave! If you haven't embraced Christ's forgiveness, - forgiveness from the greatest hero who ever lived, and who died and lives again - come and pray this prayer....

Dear Almighty God,

Thank you for sending Jesus, the greatest Hero of all, to die in my place. I admit that I am a sinner, that I need Your powerful forgiveness. I believe You rose from the dead. Lord, I surrender all to You. I receive your forgiveness, and I choose to serve you all of my days. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

If you prayed this prayer from your heart, you have been born again. You have been given a place in heaven, and you have been adopted into God's family. Here are some helpful hints to aid you in your growth as a new believer.

  • Read the Bible – it is food for the soul.
  • Pray – Talk to your Heavenly Father. He is Your Friend and He will talk to you as well.
  • Start attending a Spirit-filled church that teaches the word of God.
  • Tell others about your newfound relationship with Jesus.

Congratulations! This is the most important day of your life. Remember always that God loves you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at

Saturday, November 23, 2013

He Gives Each His Dream

From before the dawn of time
We were aimed for His design
The Father formed us with a destiny in mind

He gives each His dream
Within our hearts we can see
Just what He has called us to be

Dreams await us
Like the sun behind the clouds
Dreams await us
The Spirit will unveil the shroud

But we must seek Him
Then pursue the dream
We must believe Him
Let the invisible be seen

Write the vision down
It shall surely come to pass
Write the vision down
And wisely act

God is for us
He is never against
If our dream is from Him
His approval we will sense

Go forth like an arrow in flight
Accomplish His will
Go forth like an arrow in flight
And hit the bullseye  

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Great Things

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing, He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:12-14

Our Lord did great miracles while he lived upon the earth. He opened the eyes of the blind. He enabled the lame to walk. He even raised the dead. Those who have been born into the Kingdom of God can also do miracles in Jesus name. Our Lord said that we could do even greater miracles than he because he was going to the Father.

We can heal the sick and even raise the dead in the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the greatest things we can do is pray for unbeliever's to find Christ. We can pray for a great revival and a great awakening. We can seek God for the salvation of the multitudes. It is our privilege and should be our passion. As we pray, God will move, and as we make ourselves available, God will use us. With God all things are possible. Let's believe our Lord for great things!

Dear Father God,

Thank you for your desire to use me. Thank you that in Jesus name I can believe you to move mightily to bring healing, miracles, and salvation to others. Fill me with your passion to pray for revival among your people and for an awakening that brings conviction and deliverance to the unsaved. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Seed

The seed of God’s word
In fertile soil
Generates the life and character of God

With perseverance
We will reap if we faint not

If we nurture this seed
It will flourish
The harvest awaits us

We sow in our own hearts
And in the hearts of others

The Holy Spirit hovers over
The seed of God’s word in our hearts

There’s enormous potential in a seed
Just like the atom
Within it lies power
Power to produce
Power to push through the hardened clay
Even through the cemented areas of our hearts

God’s word is highly exalted
It accomplishes all that it is sent by our Lord to do

But we must remove the weeds
That seek to choke the life of the word of God

Guard your heart with all diligence
For it is the wellspring of life