Friday, October 16, 2020

Undeserved Grace


When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the "sinners" and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: Why does he eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'? On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners." Mark 3:16-17

The Pharisees scrutinized and dissected the law. They were Hebrew scholars who prided themselves in their religious knowledge and who believed they were above reproach. The Bible tells us not to be wise in our own eyes. The fact that they called the people Jesus ate with "sinners" (believing they were not), reveals a holier-than-thou attitude. Their hearts also quickly judged Jesus for dining with them.

Christ said He came not to call the righteous but sinners. The word righteous here refers to those who believe they are faultless through their own merit. The Pharisees did not see their need for a Savior. They saw themselves as blameless before God because of their role as spiritual leaders and because they outwardly obeyed God. They knew how to look and act right but their hearts were far from God (Matthew 15:8).

Did you know that it is impossible to attain to a righteous life through the practice of good deeds?  None of us can earn our way to heaven. Instead, we need something outside ourselves to make us right before God. That Something is the Savior. Jesus was the only One who lived a sinless life. His life in exchange for mankind on the cross, brought those who believe, new life.

When we seek Him for the complete forgiveness of our sins, we are made in right standing with God our Father. If we will cease placing our trust in our own good works, and place our confidence in the One who saves to the uttermost, we will experience peace with God, and one day we will abide with Jesus in heaven forever.

If you have already received Christ's forgiveness and been born anew, you can spread the beautiful message of our Lord's redemption to others. We have been given a mission to tell everyone the good news, and it is important they realize it is by grace we are saved through faith not by works (From Ephesians 2:8-9).

Lastly, for those of us who have walked with Christ for a while, let's be careful not to become inflated in the estimation of ourselves. God gives grace to the humble but He opposes the proud. Jesus was profoundly merciful and kind but when it came to the self-inflated religious leaders of his day, He was curt and often angry. Instead of behaving with a big head, let's act like children before our Father God thanking Him daily for his undeserved grace.

A Prayer for Those who Desire to Live for Jesus,

Dear Father God,

I understand that I can never be good enough to earn your acceptance or to find myself in heaven one day. I realize that my good works are filthy in your sight. I ask you to forgive me for I truly am a sinner. I place my trust in the work you did at the cross, and I declare you, Jesus, are my Lord and Savior. Because of your blood, I have received the gift of righteousness. In your name I pray, amen.


If this is the first time you have prayed a prayer like this or if you are renewing your commitment to the Lord, please let me know. I would love to help you in your walk with the Savior.

Blessings and Congratulations,


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