Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Little Child

 You dwelt in heaven from eternity past

You are the first. You are the last.

The Word made flesh. You lived among us.

Came as a baby. Came to save us.


Sweet infant brow will one day be pierced with thorns

That day the Father will turn his head from his own

That day Life will bow in death

Only to be raised like leaven bread


Little child beneath a star

We know who you are

Though once veiled before our eyes

By grace we see and also come alive

Little child whom wise men seek

They brought him gifts

With hearts noble and meek

We too should honor this King of Kings

With gifts of love to Him we bring

Born to die this sacrificial Lamb

Born in a stable the Great I Am


Sunday, December 11, 2022

Give the Lord Your All

 Here is an article I recently posted in inspire a fire.com. It draws lessons from the classic Christmas carol The Little Drummer Boy. I hope you enjoy it.
