Saturday, July 3, 2010

Abba Father

My wife and I do not have children. But we do have a precious little dog named Muy-Muy. He is an eight and a half month old Maltese, known to be the smartest breed of small dogs. Muy-Muy loves to play. Sometimes my wife and I will get on our hands and feet and crawl on the carpeting. Our seven pound white fur ball then races around the room sailing between our legs while barking. He also loves to cuddle and most every night he sleeps with us in our bed. Muy-Muy often follows us around the house, while we go about our day.

We can't leave him for long periods of time because he gets lonely. When he sees us after being away for an hour or two, he licks our faces with excitement and jolts back and forth. I have come to see that our little puppy is very much dependent upon us not only for his survival, but for his emotional well being.

Similarly, God wants us to be dependent upon Him. Like children who look to their parents, we are to look to our Heavenly Father. He is the wellspring where we find all that matters. He is our source of joy, freedom, significance, sustenance, and love.

Thankfully, all is not serious business with God; He too wants to play with us. He enjoys our company; He relishes in our fellowship with Him.

When we are away from Him, we should long to be with the Lord. A desire to spend time with our Master should well up within us.

Those who have not had a positive father figure in their life may find it harder to embrace our Father God. But our Lord wants to reveal Himself to all His children as the one who will wipe away every tear and who will mentor us, enabling us to be all that we can be for Him. He is Abba, which means Daddy God. This is what Jesus called Him and we can find the freedom to do the same.

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