Saturday, January 20, 2018

Becoming Less

He must become greater I must become less. John 3:30

No one likes the individual who always trying to gain attention.  That me-first attitude rubs most of us the wrong way.  That instrumentalist or singer who always tries to steal the stage can be annoying.

Jesus taught us a different way.  He said we are to strive to give glory to God.  John the Baptist, who was a forceful believer, in a godly sense, said regarding Jesus, “He must become greater and I must become less.”  He had led his group of followers to repentance towards God.  His mission was to prepare the way for Jesus’ ministry. 

He did not think more highly of himself than he ought.  Instead, all of his efforts were dedicated to preparing the way for Jesus and to giving Him glory.  Let’s learn from John’s example.  When we serve the Lord, in any capacity, let’s not draw attention to ourselves.

Lord, help us to have a servant’s heart, to walk in humility, and enable us to always give you the glory.  Teach us to truly serve you from our hearts to see your kingdom steadily advance.

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