Wednesday, January 23, 2013

He Causes Us to Grow

Christ calls us to do impossible things
He cries aloud
His voice echoes through the valley of our souls

Who among us can live like Jesus?
Yet He commands, “Be holy as I am holy.”
Absolute purity
Perfect love

Yes, He calls us to perfection
Yet we are bankrupt without Him
Apart from Him we can do nothing

When we invite Jesus to
Live His life through us
Miracles can happen
We walk on water
Mountains move
And holiness blossoms before us
His fruit in us flourishes as we
Depend on Him

Yet throughout this life
Grace is our safety net
In this struggle
We will fall
But God will also flow through us
If we let Him
Step by step
He will cause us to grow

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

No Ordinary Boat Ride (A Parable)

The motorboat skims across the mirrored glass.  The water is still and lifeless.  Jesus your Master is at the bow.  He points, you steer.  He leads, you follow.

But then the wind whips the waves into motion.  The boat climbs each crest and then falls and the crash causes the water to splash in your face.  A storm is brewing.  But Jesus rests his head on a pillow and falls asleep.  The rain plummets from the sky like enemy paratroopers.  The waves now peak at fourteen feet, but the storm is not over and the turmoil intensifies. 
Then, you cry out to the Messiah, “Jesus, please help me.  The storm is raging around us.  Would you speak over the tossed waters and calm the sea?”  Jesus awakes and says, “I could do this, but I have delegated my authority to you.  You too can speak to the wind and the waves.  Come my chosen one and use your delegated authority.”  You pause, swallow hard, and raise your voice, “In the name of Jesus, I command you wind and water to silence.  I speak peace to you.  Peace.  Peace!”
At first, nothing happens.  But then the miracle unfolds.  The wind dies down and the waves dissipate.  You are overcome with awe and wonder, and you say, “Lord Jesus I worship You.  Thank you for bringing this about.” 

“It was My pleasure.  But we did it together for you are a co-laborer with me.”  Jesus then laid his head on his pillow and went back to sleep.  This was no ordinary boat ride.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Send Me

Isaiah saw the Lord
Seated on His throne
The angels cried holy, holy, holy
The whole earth is full of His glory

Conviction burned within Isaiah's soul
At this holy sight
Guilty of unholy speech
This broken heart Oh God
You did not despise

You sent an angel
The hot coal touched the prophet's mouth
His heart washed stunningly clean as with laundry bleach

The Lord spoke, “Whom shall I send?
And who will go for Me?”
Who will set the captives free

Isaiah's heart pounded
Like waves crashing against the rocks
“Here am I send me,” he replied.

Isaiah answered the call
But God still cries out
He's tugging at your heart
Tugging at mine
He wants to know
Will we go and set the captives free