“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men. At once they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:19-20
What would you do if Christ spoke to you and told you leave your life's pursuit and follow Him? Would you go if He sent you to a foreign nation? Would you alter the course of your life to meet His command or would you pretend you didn't hear?
Peter and his brother Andrew were faced with such a decision. Jesus asked them to leave their fishing business and follow after Him. Their obedience was radical – they dropped their nets and became disciples of the Lord.
Though not all of us are called to full-time ministry, each of us have been commissioned by the Master to win men, women, and children to the Lord. The Father desires for us to be open to the Spirit's call to go and make disciples. We are to have a radical obedience that propels us to reach out to those in darkness. We each have been given different gifts, talents, abilities, and personalities. If we seek to follow the Master, He will show us how we can do our part to influence others for the kingdom.
It all starts with a change of focus. We must be intentional about seeing others come to know Jesus. Evangelism must become a consuming priority in our lives. As we pray for those that do not know the Lord and as we reach out to them, God will use us. He will make us fishers of men. We do not have to be full-time ministers for God to effectively use us. No, we can be ministers for God no matter our vocation in life. Have you heard the Spirit's call? If so, what will you now do about it?
Dear Master,
I know You are calling me to reach out to the unsaved. Open my eyes to see who I can minister to. Reveal to me the unique gifts I have, and show me how to influence others for Christ. Lord, I choose to obey You. Help me to make evangelism an integral part of my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
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