Saturday, July 13, 2024

Perils into Pearls

 Here is an encouraging poem I wrote that appears in inspireafire .com today. It speaks of how God uses difficult circumstances in our lives to shape us, so that we grow in Christian character.

I hope it ministers to you...

Thursday, July 11, 2024

I Remember When


I remember when you sought me

My heart was charcoal-
black and twisted

I knelt like a wretched man hiding in an alley

Yet your uncommon love reached down

The King of Kings knelt beside me

You could have judged me with fire

Instead, You gently lifted me up to embrace me

You clothed me in Your righteousness

You prepared a table before me


Then you called me to enable those around me

To bring them the message of Your unconditional love

Thank you Jesus for saving me

I will never be the same