Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Forever Love

Here is a poem about the greatest of these...

To be Spirit-led is to follow the way of love

To see Christ’s face is to peer into Mercy itself

Love is Jesus’ DNA

Love is defined by God’s word

A loving home is built by heaven’s Architect

Only love and truth can change the heart and heal the wounded soul

Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and always

God is forever love

Friday, November 12, 2021

For Fadre

 The year was 1996, and I was home alone in my Colorado Springs apartment. I moved to the area with a friend to attend Bible College. The sun filled our living room, and I glanced outside to witness a group of children playing. Bursting with energy, the boys and girls frolicked in the springtime sun.

 As I watched them, I noticed Fadre, who was twelve at the time. She lived in one of the first-floor apartments. The young girl's knee was encircled with an orthopedic wrap. Immediately in my heart, I felt a desire to lay hands on and pray for Fadre. With that impression came a knowing that she would be healed. 

I strolled downstairs to the first floor, and one of my neighbors looked inquisitively into my eyes and asked, “What are you doing?” I paused and wondered what to say. Then I responded, “I am going to pray for Fadre's knee, and God is going to heal her.” The answer I gave surprised me, since I am normally not so blunt. I walked outside and joined the children and asked them if they would pray with me for Fadre's knee to be healed. I explained that Jesus Christ still heals the sick, and He still answers our heartfelt prayers. They welcomed the suggestion to pray for Fadre. I led a prayer for God to heal her, but nothing happened. Fadre, who had dislocated her knee the day before, said her knee still hurt. I remembered a story in the Bible where Jesus prayed for a blind man. The first time He prayed, the man's vision restored only partially – he saw people as trees. Jesus prayed a second time, and the man's sight became completely clear. I shared this story with the children, and then we prayed a second time. 

Fadre's eyes filled with joy. She tested her knee by walking slowly and then began to jump up and down. She declared, “I'm healed! I'm healed!” We were thrilled with excitement, and I was careful to give all the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of all good health and healing. Apart from Him we can do nothing.  Believers in Christ have been commissioned by the Master to lay hands on the sick (Mark 16:18). When we pray, sometimes the individual is miraculously made whole. At other times, the person heals gradually. Ultimately, every Christian, who suffers with sickness, will be healed when he or she meets the Lord.

If you are sick, draw near to God and ask Him to heal you. It says in the scriptures that He is the Lord who heals us. It says that Christ’s suffering on the cross was for our physical and spiritual healing. By Jesus’ stripes we are healed (see Isaiah 53 and1 Peter 2:24).

Do you have the certainty in your heart that you will one day meet the Lord? Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes on Him will have everlasting life. (John 3:16). If we will only repent and believe we can receive God’s perfect gift of love – complete salvation that is found in Christ.  

If you would like to be healed and more importantly if you would like to follow Jesus, come and pray with me…

 Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sending Jesus to die in my place so that I can be saved and healed. I repent of my sins, and I turn to you. I receive your free gift of salvation, and I declare you are the Lord of my life. I ask you to heal me physically as well, and I believe that you have done this for me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer from your heart, you are born again.  Congratulations! Heaven is now your home, and you are a welcomed member of God's family.  If you need a miracle, thank God that you are healed before you see a change in your condition. That’s faith. Expect your miracle to manifest.

Here are some helpful hints to aid you in your growth as a new believer… 

l  Read the Bible Daily– it is food for the soul.

l  Pray – Talk to your Heavenly Father.  He is Your Friend and He will talk to you as well.

l  Start attending a loving, Spirit-filled church that teaches from the Bible.

l  Tell others about your newfound relationship with Jesus.

© Copyright 2021 by Tom Toya



Saturday, November 6, 2021

Jesus to You

I was with you at the cross

When you suffered great loss

I was buried in your grave

Sin no longer my slave

When you rose again

You caused me to win


When the stone was rolled away,

I found a brand new day

No more crimson stain

Jesus You forever reign


Multitudes have come

Come and found your love

Many more will see your sweet victory


Let’s pray for revival

For a stirring of your Spirit

Your word we want to live it

See the waters churning

To Jesus they are turning

Our hearts forever burning

Jesus to You we are yearning


Our hearts forever burning

Jesus to You we are yearning