Monday, May 31, 2021

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

 I hope you enjoy this devotion that was published on line at...

Friday, May 28, 2021

A Hole in Every Man


There is a hole in every man

An aching for the perfect land

A longing for the One who heals

Whose hand creates, whose heart feels


He is Emanuel, the God with us

He’s with those who put their trust

In Christ the Son, the Holy One

Who parts the waters, shakes the earth

And brings us to a brand new birth

Who hung lifeless on a tree

Only to rise again, forever free


The longing for the restless soul

Is met in Christ, He makes us whole

In heaven’s land we’ll one day roam

If we make Jesus our only Lord



Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Model Mother

Mothers are underrated in our culture. I am thankful for my mom. Here is a poem that highlights what a model mom looks like. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t measure up to this ideal. Instead, be encouraged to grow in your stature and influence as a mother.

She greets each day with joy
And savors each moment
Abiding in the word makes her strong for every task
She wears an apron of service and is clothed in humility
She searches for opportunities to sow love in the hearts she nurtures
The little ones under her care look to her for encouragement and support.
She teaches her children in the Way
She is content amidst the busyness of each day
She points her children like an arrow towards their God-ordained destinies
She is not afraid to say no.
Praise and honor to Jesus flow from her lips.
She is esteemed by her husband
She is the model mother