Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The New Year


The white snow untouched by man or animal

The fresh sand after the waves retract


This is the New Year

It is a time of great possibilities

A time of new beginnings


A moment when goals can be reshaped

A time to plan and forecast

Like a sailor using the stars to guide him over the rough waters

We look to the Lord for His direction


The Holy Spirit breathes on us

He creates

He gives us winsome ideas

He directs our ship to distant shores

He moves us to conquer the land


We dare not miss out on this time of reflection

When dreams are born

And plans are made to realize them


We are co-creators with the Mighty One

If we will lean upon his breast and listen

He will enable us to see His dreams within us fulfilled

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Mary's Road

Mary heard the words of the angel

She treasured them in her heart

Though a virgin, she would give birth

She would mother the Messiah, this was her part


The Spirit overshadowed her and in the womb He began to grow

In the fullness of time, the baby boy was born

The deliverer of all who would put their trust in Him both high and low


Mary would also find her salvation in Jesus

 She would surrender without a fight

As in all who trust in Him, she would be saved from darkness

To walk in the light


May we all take Mary’s road to humble ourselves before the King

So we can walk in His brightness and worship Him and sing

Glory to God in the highest let’s worship the Lamb

Glory to God in the highest He is the Great I Am


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Discovering the True Meaning of Christmas

 Here is a devotional of mine that appeared in inspireafire .com

I believe it will be a blessing to you.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Forever Love

Here is a poem about the greatest of these...

To be Spirit-led is to follow the way of love

To see Christ’s face is to peer into Mercy itself

Love is Jesus’ DNA

Love is defined by God’s word

A loving home is built by heaven’s Architect

Only love and truth can change the heart and heal the wounded soul

Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and always

God is forever love

Friday, November 12, 2021

For Fadre

 The year was 1996, and I was home alone in my Colorado Springs apartment. I moved to the area with a friend to attend Bible College. The sun filled our living room, and I glanced outside to witness a group of children playing. Bursting with energy, the boys and girls frolicked in the springtime sun.

 As I watched them, I noticed Fadre, who was twelve at the time. She lived in one of the first-floor apartments. The young girl's knee was encircled with an orthopedic wrap. Immediately in my heart, I felt a desire to lay hands on and pray for Fadre. With that impression came a knowing that she would be healed. 

I strolled downstairs to the first floor, and one of my neighbors looked inquisitively into my eyes and asked, “What are you doing?” I paused and wondered what to say. Then I responded, “I am going to pray for Fadre's knee, and God is going to heal her.” The answer I gave surprised me, since I am normally not so blunt. I walked outside and joined the children and asked them if they would pray with me for Fadre's knee to be healed. I explained that Jesus Christ still heals the sick, and He still answers our heartfelt prayers. They welcomed the suggestion to pray for Fadre. I led a prayer for God to heal her, but nothing happened. Fadre, who had dislocated her knee the day before, said her knee still hurt. I remembered a story in the Bible where Jesus prayed for a blind man. The first time He prayed, the man's vision restored only partially – he saw people as trees. Jesus prayed a second time, and the man's sight became completely clear. I shared this story with the children, and then we prayed a second time. 

Fadre's eyes filled with joy. She tested her knee by walking slowly and then began to jump up and down. She declared, “I'm healed! I'm healed!” We were thrilled with excitement, and I was careful to give all the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of all good health and healing. Apart from Him we can do nothing.  Believers in Christ have been commissioned by the Master to lay hands on the sick (Mark 16:18). When we pray, sometimes the individual is miraculously made whole. At other times, the person heals gradually. Ultimately, every Christian, who suffers with sickness, will be healed when he or she meets the Lord.

If you are sick, draw near to God and ask Him to heal you. It says in the scriptures that He is the Lord who heals us. It says that Christ’s suffering on the cross was for our physical and spiritual healing. By Jesus’ stripes we are healed (see Isaiah 53 and1 Peter 2:24).

Do you have the certainty in your heart that you will one day meet the Lord? Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes on Him will have everlasting life. (John 3:16). If we will only repent and believe we can receive God’s perfect gift of love – complete salvation that is found in Christ.  

If you would like to be healed and more importantly if you would like to follow Jesus, come and pray with me…

 Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sending Jesus to die in my place so that I can be saved and healed. I repent of my sins, and I turn to you. I receive your free gift of salvation, and I declare you are the Lord of my life. I ask you to heal me physically as well, and I believe that you have done this for me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer from your heart, you are born again.  Congratulations! Heaven is now your home, and you are a welcomed member of God's family.  If you need a miracle, thank God that you are healed before you see a change in your condition. That’s faith. Expect your miracle to manifest.

Here are some helpful hints to aid you in your growth as a new believer… 

l  Read the Bible Daily– it is food for the soul.

l  Pray – Talk to your Heavenly Father.  He is Your Friend and He will talk to you as well.

l  Start attending a loving, Spirit-filled church that teaches from the Bible.

l  Tell others about your newfound relationship with Jesus.

© Copyright 2021 by Tom Toya



Saturday, November 6, 2021

Jesus to You

I was with you at the cross

When you suffered great loss

I was buried in your grave

Sin no longer my slave

When you rose again

You caused me to win


When the stone was rolled away,

I found a brand new day

No more crimson stain

Jesus You forever reign


Multitudes have come

Come and found your love

Many more will see your sweet victory


Let’s pray for revival

For a stirring of your Spirit

Your word we want to live it

See the waters churning

To Jesus they are turning

Our hearts forever burning

Jesus to You we are yearning


Our hearts forever burning

Jesus to You we are yearning





Sunday, October 31, 2021

By Grace

 Here is a devotion that reveals how I met Jesus. I hope it encourages you in your walk with Christ...


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Victory Over Any Sin


Victory Over Any Sin

Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13 NIV

There is no one so holy that they do not sin. We all fall short of God’s glory. We all sin. But at the end of every sin, we have a choice. We can confess and renounce our sin or we can give into it. If we confess and renounce it, we will find forgiveness and freedom. If we yield to a sin, it will become a habit and will lead us to stumble down the path into deep darkness.

It may be that in our struggle to walk with Jesus, we find ourselves falling for the same sin. If that happens, we can be honest to the Lord about our plight. The worst thing we can do is to surrender to a specific temptation and give up the fight.  

We can find help by sharing our struggle with a brother or sister in Christ. We can also find great victory by standing on God’s word and answering Satan’s offer with God’s answer, which is the written word of God. This is how Jesus triumphed over temptation.

Dear brother or sister, know that there is no condemnation for those in Christ. With His assistance, we can overcome any sin.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Forerunner

 John the Baptist is an intriguing figure in the Bible. Jesus called him the greatest man born of a woman. I invite you to read an article about this man. It appears in inspire a fire.com. I invite you to click below. I hope it ministers to you.


Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Word of Life

The word of life

A well so pure

The word of life

A road so sure


The word of grace

A peaceful stream

The word of grace

Author of dreams


The word of faith

Created the heavens and the earth

The word of faith

Bestowed on me new birth


God’s word

Never fails

Always prevails

By its breath we sail


When God’s word comes

Sickness leaves

Satan flees

The Lord meets our every need

Daily we will drink it in

Kneeling at its shores

Your word is alive and well

From it God's love pours

Saturday, September 11, 2021

A Life Worth Living


Sunday, September 5, 2021

An Excursion with Jesus

From Matthew 8:23-27

The wooden boat strolled through the smooth still waters. Peter steered the small ship. The other eleven lifted their heads and witnessed the sky suddenly darken. The silk waters transformed into mighty waves as winds whipped them alive. Rain pounded on the sailor’s backs. Terror shot through their souls. They cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save us!” The Master raised his head from a pillow and wiped his weary eyes. The Lord said, “What are you afraid for? How little is your faith.” Then the Sovereign One stood tall with his finger in the air and declared, “Be still!” Peace flooded the atmosphere. The wind and rain ceased. In an instant, their boat rolled on a sea of glass. Then the disciples marveled at Jesus.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Bearing the Fruit of Patience

Here is an uplifting article on patience that I wrote. It was published in inspireafire.com. I hope you enjoy it.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021


The Seed

The seed of God’s word
In fertile soil
Generates the life and character of God

With perseverance
We will reap if we faint not

If we nurture this seed
It will flourish
The harvest awaits us

We sow in our own hearts
And in the hearts of others

The Holy Spirit hovers over
The seed of God’s word in our hearts

There’s enormous potential in a seed
Just like the atom
Within it lies power
Power to produce
Power to push through the hardened clay
Even through the cemented areas of our hearts

God’s word is highly exalted
It accomplishes all that it is sent by our Lord to do

But we must remove the weeds
That seek to choke the life of the word of God

Guard your heart with all diligence
For it is the wellspring of life

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Salvation is a Gift

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Romans 10:3-4

Those that trust in their works to afford them heaven are gravely mistaken.  Even if they lived their life nobly like Mother Theresa, if their hope was in their good deeds, they would not find heaven as their home at life’s end. Salvation is a gift given not a goal achieved. Jesus died and rose again so that we could trust in what He did to bring us to heaven. This is why even those that have sinned greatly can receive God’s gift of mercy.

Receiving Christ’s gift of salvation affects our behavior here on earth, but good behavior does not earn us a place in heaven. His righteousness is given as a gift to those who receive it by faith, but those who trust in their own righteousness, will always fall short.

Trusting in one’s own works is a stumbling block for many. Don’t be tripped by this lie. Instead, receive God’s gift of forgiveness and salvation through the finished work of Christ on the cross. He suffered greatly so that we could be saved. Will you put your trust in the finished work of the cross? His mercy extends to you no matter what you have done, but if you lean on your own merits, you will not experience God’s salvation.

God desires not only to save us but to have a relationship with each of us.   He calls us to follow him as a result of his grace not in order to achieve his approval.

If you would like to begin a relationship with God and to one day step into heaven, please pray the following prayer.

Dear Father God,

Thank you for sending Jesus to die in my place up upon the cross. I believe He rose from the dead. I ask you to forgive me for my sins.  I receive your gift of salvation, and I choose to follow you all the days of my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

My Good Father

 Here is a poem that was published online at Inspire a Fire. It is about my father. I hope it ministers to you.


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Like Rockets

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13

A rocket is only as good as its fuel. Without the right formula, a rocket will not reach its intended destination. With the wrong propellant, the vessel could explode.

In order for us to reach God’s destination for our lives, we need the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit provides the perfect fit for our spiritual lives.  Jesus went to the cross so we could have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the fuel for our hope, and hope is what we need to develop a vision for our future. Hope is an expectation of God’s blueprint for each of us. Hope bolsters our faith and directs our steps.

We need the Holy Spirit mixed with God’s word to realize God’s plans for our lives. The Holy Spirit desires to speak God’s word into our hearts. God’s spoken word ignites hope and faith and propels us into the Lord’s direction for our lives. Let’s become like rockets that the Holy Spirit directs for His glory. With His help, we can reach exemplary heights in our pursuit of His vision for our lives.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

 I hope you enjoy this devotion that was published on line at...


Friday, May 28, 2021

A Hole in Every Man


There is a hole in every man

An aching for the perfect land

A longing for the One who heals

Whose hand creates, whose heart feels


He is Emanuel, the God with us

He’s with those who put their trust

In Christ the Son, the Holy One

Who parts the waters, shakes the earth

And brings us to a brand new birth

Who hung lifeless on a tree

Only to rise again, forever free


The longing for the restless soul

Is met in Christ, He makes us whole

In heaven’s land we’ll one day roam

If we make Jesus our only Lord



Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Model Mother

Mothers are underrated in our culture. I am thankful for my mom. Here is a poem that highlights what a model mom looks like. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t measure up to this ideal. Instead, be encouraged to grow in your stature and influence as a mother.

She greets each day with joy
And savors each moment
Abiding in the word makes her strong for every task
She wears an apron of service and is clothed in humility
She searches for opportunities to sow love in the hearts she nurtures
The little ones under her care look to her for encouragement and support.
She teaches her children in the Way
She is content amidst the busyness of each day
She points her children like an arrow towards their God-ordained destinies
She is not afraid to say no.
Praise and honor to Jesus flow from her lips.
She is esteemed by her husband
She is the model mother

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Preparing a Place

I am preparing a place for you

A place beautiful and new

A place close to My throne

Where you will never be alone


The doorway to heaven is hinged on grace and faith

The portal to the everlasting is open for those who call upon His name

Jesus is the only Way

Jesus is the only Way


Will you place your trust in Him?

Find deliverance from self and sin?

Discover a freedom deep within?


Jesus is preparing for you a home

A place where you can forever roam

Where the light from Christ’s face

Always lights up the place

Jesus is the Way

Jesus is the Way


Do you hunger and thirst for what you cannot find?

Are you wearing thin from the daily grind?

Jesus is the way

Jesus is the way


He is knocking at the door of your heart

Answer Him, do your part

Jesus is the Way

Jesus is the Way


He is preparing a place for you

A place beautiful and new

A place close to His throne

Where you will never be alone

Jesus is the Way

Jesus is the only Way

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


This poem was previously published online at Inspire a Fire

Grace - a foundation strong and stable
All that's profitable rests upon it

Faith in Christ's finished work
From this cruel cross blossoms grow
Like Aaron's rod
Its petals are life-giving

When we build upon a faulty foundation
When our works attempt to pave the way to God
We are unfulfilled

Our feverish efforts produce only death
It is by grace through faith that we are saved
It is by grace through faith by which we grow

We are like seeds underneath the Sun
Of His grace
The Holy Spirit waters us
His love attends to our every need

We are blessed when we choose the path
Of unmerited favor
All we have and all we are
And all we will become
Is a gift from our benevolent King

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Finding Freedom from the Web of Sin

Many Christians are caught in a web. They desire to do right, but their feet are prone to travel into the trappings of the evil one. Sin can be habit forming or addictive, and the journey to freedom can sometimes be elusive. Paul the Apostle said in Romans 7:22-23, “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me.  For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.” If one of the most spiritual men in the Bible struggled with sin, we will too. But later in that chapter Paul said, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

There are several keys that Jesus offers us that can unlock victory for us in our battle against sin.  If we use them, we will triumph. Here are just a few…

1.       Develop and maintain sorrow for sin coupled with the resolve to win. Do not ever acquiesce to failure. Do not succumb to Satan’s lie that you will never overcome. When you fall, ask God for forgiveness and repent – every time. Proverbs 24:16 says, “For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.

2.       Know who you are in Christ. If you are a believer, you are on solid ground. The New Testament calls you righteous, a new creation, more than a conqueror and an overcomer. It also says that you are dead to sin and alive to God in Christ. Meditate on scriptures that communicate who you are in Christ and develop a habit of speaking these verses over your life.

3.       Flee from Temptation. Run from people, places and things that draw you away from a godly life.

4.       Believe that when you ask for forgiveness, God forgives you. There is no condemnation for those in Christ and we have been accepted by God. Even when you still struggle with temptation, God wants you to experience His love and acceptance.

5.       Speak the word of God in the face of temptation. This is what Jesus did to defeat Satan when he was tempted.  The word of God is your sword of victory.

6.       Be filled with the Spirit. Ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and allow Him to fill you again and again.

7.       Share your struggles with a trusted and mature Christian friend, counselor or Pastor. James 5:16 says, Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Using these keys will enable you to find freedom over sin. It may take time. Growth is a process, but victory is possible. Trust the Lord to overcome. Blessings to you on your journey.



Thursday, February 11, 2021

Alongside Creation

Orange and yellow light dance over an expanse of liquid ripples

The sky and sea resound your glory with nature’s Halleluiah

The regal blue heron sinks his beak beneath the subtle waves

He harvests dinner – a wriggling bluefish

The birds of the air sing forth Messiah reigns

Even the one-celled creatures on land and in the waters reflect your glory


We who house the Holy One deep within our hearts

Rejoice alongside creation

We worship Christ the King Lord of all glory

We too can dance before Him like the unveiled sky’s reflection

Skips to a praise song on the surface of the deep


© Copyright 2021 by Tom Toya. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Devil's Demise

He twists the truth with ease and style

To tell a lie makes him smile

For he is schooled in all guile


His ambition reaches to the highest of heights

He desires to dim the brightest of lights

This ancient foe of Christ the King

Who bruised the Lord’s heel but whose head still stings


He tries to hide behind the masks of men

Yet he orchestrates their evil whims


From Jesus we have

Delegated authority we have

Power through his name

To destroy his insidious game


To stop him in his tracks

Overcome his attacks


That person who did you wrong

Realize it was not he or she all along

But it’s Satan at work

The one in the shadows who lurks

Don’t be singing the loser’s melody


The name of Jesus sets the captives free

Praise to the King

With victory we sing

For He fills our countenance with joy

A smile without guile

That we share with every blood-bought, God-child

We can walk with the wise

And secure the devil’s demise


Friday, January 1, 2021

God's Good Surprises


Here is a look into God's interaction into our lives, where he initiates his wonderful purposes towards us.

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.   Jeremiah 33:3

It is a remarkable thing to understand that our Lord desires to answer our prayers. This is especially true with the things that he has ordained for us. Our Lord invites us to seek him, to search him out so that we can discover those things that are presently a mystery to us. Things that, in His great design, he longs for us to uncover, through prayer, and to have.

These things include surprise blessings and divine orders for mission opportunities that he wants us to pursue. This new year offers a time of decision for us. Will we draw near to the Master and allow him to whisper His insights into our spirits? Will we believe him for the special blessings He has planned for us? Will we seek out His missional plan for us and carry it out?

No matter how difficult our past year has been, let’s embrace the future with faith and courage. Let’s lay ahold of all our great Lord has planned for us. If we do these things, we will experience the thrill of walking on fresh ground with God. May your new year be full of God’s good surprises.