Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Overcoming Faith

But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it. Numbers 14:24

Twelve men were appointed by Moses to spy out a particular region. The Israelites had been promised by God a certain territory. Although it was theirs, they would need to conquer its inhabitants. When the twelve men returned from their mission to the Promised Land, ten of them gave a bad report. Although the land was rich in vegetation and resources, they feared the giants that lived there and believed they could not overtake them. 

Two of the spies, Caleb and Joshua, had a different spirit. Their faith in God dominated their vision. They believed God could give the land into their hands, but the Israelite people sided with the naysayers.  They decided not to overtake the land. This greatly displeased the Lord. After all without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). 

God judged the people. He told Moses that all the Israelites except Caleb and Joshua would die in the wilderness in a forty-year span. They would never enter the Promised Land. Later, Caleb and Joshua did possess the Promised Land. God said of Caleb that he followed him wholeheartedly. His faith was preeminent, it had full dominance. 

During this time when the threat of a virus is spoken, when financial lack may seem present, we have a choice. We can either cave in to fear or we can stand in faith. Let’s be like Caleb and Joshua. Let’s believe God for great things. Let’s allow our faith to cause us to overcome. 

This is not to downplay the suffering of some during this time whether from illness or financial difficulty.  But we can trust God to bring us through. He will deliver us from our circumstances. He is faithful and he will help us to overcome in His way and His time. 

During this unprecedented season, we should practice safety, but let’s not forget to walk in faith. Only then will God be pleased, and only then will we see God move on our behalf.

Friday, April 10, 2020

He's Not Counting

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them.”    2 Corinthians 5:18-19 NIV

The word “gospel” means good news. Jesus called his disciples to preach this message to all men.  But what is so marvelous about Christianity?  Why would anyone want to embrace Jesus and his way of living?

The good news cannot be understood without the delivery of some bad news first.  The truth is that we all fall short from God’s holy standard, and we all deserve spiritual death (Romans 3:9-18, 23).  All of us without exception have blown  it, yet God’s standard is still perfection. He said that we are not to lie, but who of us have not told an  untruth?  Jesus said if we have  lusted after a woman or a man, we have committed sexual sin in our hearts (Matthew 5:27-30). He also equated unbridled anger with murder (Matthew 5:21-22).  The Lord not only judges our actions, he weighs our hearts as well.  The honest conclusion for us is that we are all guilty.  To presume innocence of sin reveals a heart of pride, and pride is the sin that God hates the most. 

However, if we place our trust in Jesus and what he did for us at the cross, God no longer counts our sins against us.  He wipes the slate clean.  Jesus willingly gave his life so we could be forgiven. His sinless life became the perfect sacrifice to appease God’s anger towards us because of our sin.  When we place our trust in him as the sacrifice for our sins, he gives us eternal life, and we can begin a wonderful relationship with God.

God’s judgment towards us fell solely upon Jesus as he hung on a blood-stained cross.  After three days, Christ victoriously rose from the grave.  Now the Lord longs to embrace each of us in his love and mercy.  He simply asks us to turn from our sin and give our lives completely to him.  He will help us do this, and he will accept us just as we are.  If you haven’t trusted Jesus for your salvation, why not pray with me...?

Dear Father God,     

 I admit I am a sinner.  I am sorry for living in ways that displease you. Please forgive me.  I repent of my sin.  Thank you for not counting my sins against me.   Lord Jesus I place my trust in you.  I believe that you died in my place, and I now accept your gift of eternal life.  I choose to follow you here on earth.  In the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
Congratulations! You have just made the most important decision of your life.  God is your Father, and heaven  is your home.  Here are some tips to help you on your newfound journey with Christ.
  • Read the Bible daily.  You can start in the book of John.
  • Pray regularly.  Prayer is simply talking to God.
  • Tell others about your faith in Jesus.
  • Attend a Bible believing church regularly.                
  • No matter what happens, know that God loves you.  If you sin, He will forgive you, if you only admit your fault to Him and decide to do what’s right.
God bless you on your new journey with Him.         

© Copyright 2017 by Tom Toya