But because my servant
Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring
him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.
Numbers 14:24
Twelve men were appointed by Moses to spy out a
particular region. The Israelites had been promised by God a certain territory.
Although it was theirs, they would need to conquer its inhabitants. When the
twelve men returned from their mission to the Promised Land, ten of them gave a
bad report. Although the land was rich in vegetation and resources, they feared
the giants that lived there and believed they could not overtake them.
Two of the spies, Caleb and Joshua, had a different spirit. Their faith in God dominated their vision. They believed God could
give the land into their hands, but the Israelite people sided with the naysayers.
They decided not to overtake the land.
This greatly displeased the Lord. After all without faith it is impossible to
please Him (Hebrews 11:6).
God judged the people. He told Moses that all the
Israelites except Caleb and Joshua would die in the wilderness in a forty-year
span. They would never enter the Promised Land. Later, Caleb and Joshua did
possess the Promised Land. God said of Caleb that he followed him wholeheartedly.
His faith was preeminent, it had full dominance.
During this time when the threat of a virus is spoken,
when financial lack may seem present, we have a choice. We can either cave in
to fear or we can stand in faith. Let’s be like Caleb and Joshua. Let’s believe
God for great things. Let’s allow our faith to cause us to overcome.
This is not to downplay the suffering of some during
this time whether from illness or financial difficulty. But we can trust God to bring us through. He
will deliver us from our circumstances. He is faithful and he will help us to
overcome in His way and His time.
During this unprecedented season, we should practice safety, but let’s not forget to walk in faith. Only then will God be pleased,
and only then will we see God move on our behalf.