Sunday, December 15, 2019

Their Hearts Melt in Fear

Tremble, earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob, who turned the rock into a pool, the hard rock into springs of water. Psalm 114:7-8
We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed. When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. Joshua 2:10-11
This second scripture records words from the mouth of Rahab speaking to the two Israelite spies. She reveals a pervasive fear that those from Jericho possessed. There is good reason to believe that many in the ancient world believed this way. They were afraid of the power and might of Jehovah.  They had heard stories that he split the red sea and gave great military victories to his people.
There are also promises in the Bible that say the ungodly will fear those who live for the Lord. Deuteronomy 28:10 says, “Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will fear you.”
Deep in the hearts of the unsaved, dwells a fear of the living God and his children. This timidity is at the heart of persecution. They may not acknowledge it or realize it, but their hatred for us is fueled by fear.
But our response is to love them into the kingdom through our prayers, kind actions, and faithful testimony of the gospel.
Dear Awesome God,
Thank you for your great and glorious acts. You are a miracle-working God. I believe that those who do not know you fear you and your followers, even if they do not realize it. Help me to spend my life to see them come to you. In Jesus name, I pray, amen.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

He Deserves Our Thanksgiving

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 KJV
It is a peculiar thing about the human race. All of us in one way or another have a tendency to put ourselves first. We are selfish from the womb (See Proverbs 22:15). Without the Lord in our lives we are bent on sin. Some of us dwell on our failures. In this way we are preoccupied with ourselves and do not care for the needs of others as we should. Others seek to gratify themselves and have a tendency to be prideful. The cure for both types of selfishness is Jesus.
When we come to Christ confessing our sins and bowing before his throne, we receive God’s gift of eternal life. For this, we should overflow with thanksgiving. But it is not only salvation that is a gift from God. Our sanctification, or growing up in Him, is also a gift from God. We cannot claim any right for any ounce of spiritual maturity that we may possess in the Lord. It is all a gift. Sure we must work with him to grow in our faith, but even our ability to follow Him is given by God. Our talents and our treasures are also a gift from God. So there is no room for boasting.
If your walk with God seems more like a limp, if you are prone to falling, know that God is close to the brokenhearted. He loves you and His promise is that He is faithful to help us overcome. All of us fall. All of us sin at times, but the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us when we confess our sins to Him. Because of his mercy we can be thankful.
So let’s thank God for his many blessings in our lives. Let’s not be proud like the world believing that all we have is because of our own striving or intellect. Let’s choose to be humble and thank God for his many blessings. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Glorious Praise

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—shout for joy before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98:4-6

We are to make his praise glorious (Psalm 66:2b). The praise and worship we offer God is not only to be offered in quiet tones. Sometimes our praise to the Lord should bring the roof down. Believe it or not there is a place for joyous shouting in the house of the Lord.

There is also a place for various instruments. Some denominations do not believe that singing to the Lord should be accompanied by instrumentation. I strongly disagree. The scriptures speak of a variety of instruments such as drums, trumpets, harps, lyres and tambourines. These instruments were used in bringing praise to the Lord. During a church service, each musician should add to the worship experience. There should be melody and harmony. There should be a beautiful flow of expression under the authority of the worship leader. In order for this to occur, the musicians need to be skilled at their craft, and they should possess a humble spirit.

There is no place for glory-seekers on a praise and worship team. Each member should submit to the leader’s direction and each member should have a strong desire to worship God.

The corporate worship experience is not just dependent upon the praise and worship team. Each member of the congregation is to enter into the worship of the Lord. It is not important that these members have any singing talent. The Bible says to make a joyful noise. God is interested in our hearts not the quality of our sound, that is, unless you are helping to lead in the praises of God. It should be the desire of every member in the church to glorify God during their worship and praise of him.

Beyond the worship in our church gatherings, we should spend time worshiping God at home. This should be a daily practice. When we all worship God on a regular basis, our corporate worship will be infused with power.

Let’s allow God to develop within us a love for him so strong and so bold that we learn to worship him without abandon. This is something we can grow into. As we abide in the truth of God and as we learn to live for Him, our praises will become a natural and meaningful expression of our lives to God.

Dear Lord of Heaven,

It is my desire to be a worshiper of you. I long to give myself over to you in heartfelt praise. Help me to grow to a place where my worship of you is free and bold. I want my praises to you to be glorious. I thank you for helping me to love you the way you love me. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Come to Jesus

You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Psalm 73:24

Death comes to all of us. The only exception is for those who are believers during the rapture. I believe in healing; I believe in miracles, but God has the final say in our lives and in the lives of those we love.  As I write these words, my father’s health is failing. He is a victim of Alzheimer’s Disease, and he may be transitioning to God’s kingdom very shortly. He has experienced God’s healing along the way. Severe bedsores, over a relatively short time, improved greatly. He walked with assistance, for a time, after an injury to his back. This is after he was bedridden. These healings were answers to prayer.

But I believe Dad’s future now lies beyond this life. About a year and a half ago, he gave his heart to Jesus. This quiet but strong man bowed his heart to the King of Kings. He accepted Christ’s unmerited forgiveness. He surrendered his unrighteousness for the righteousness that can only be found in Jesus. For so many years, he was resistant to the gospel. Now he is a child of the King. Thanks be to God heaven is his home. A glorious eternity awaits him.

Have you been putting off the most important decision you can make – the decision to embrace Jesus and his salvation for you? Will you bow your knee to the Savior. He died and rose for you. He has a wonderful plan for your life. Don’t wait till your twilight years to come to God. Come to him now. The scripture says, “Today is the day of salvation.” Invite him in your heart today. Tomorrow may be too late.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Giving Thanks Well

My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long. Psalm 71:8

So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding. 1 Corinthians 14:15

We should make it our aim to glorify the Lord with our lives. One way to do that is to offer praise to him, and that praise can be offered with our spirits or with our understanding. To pray with our spirits is to pray in other tongues. This explanation fits the context of 1 Corinthians 14.  In 1 Corinthians 14:17 the scripture says that when we pray in tongues, we give thanks well.

God has given us the gift of tongues for many reasons, but one primary reason is to praise God. I often start my morning praying in tongues and carry it on throughout the day. I do it quietly to myself. No one but God knows I am praying this way. 

I believe this gift of tongues is offered by Jesus to every believer. It is the initial sign of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Some excellent scriptures to study on the matter are: 1 Corinthians 1:5, 1 Corinthians 14, Acts 2:4, Acts 19:6, Acts 8:14-17, Mark 16:17, 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 and 1 Corinthians 13:1. 

Like salvation, the infilling of the Holy Spirit is a gift of grace.  We cannot earn it. Although I believe every Christian has the Holy Spirit living in him or her, not everyone is controlled or filled by him. We receive infilling of the Holy Spirit by asking God for it (see Luke 11:13). His power in our lives also enables us to be better witnesses for him (Acts 1:8).

There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding this subject. That is one of the reasons why I have included so many scripture references dealing with the topic. If we disagree on this subject, we can still get along.  Praying in tongues is not a prerequisite for our salvation. God loves those that have a prayer language and those that do not the same. However, I believe that if we receive this gift, it opens the way for us to flow in the other gifts of the spirit, and it makes us bolder witnesses for the Lord.

If you would like to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, please pray the following prayer…

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sending Jesus to die for me and to save me.  I believe that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. I believe He rose from the dead. I declare that He is my Lord! Jesus, I ask you to fill me with the Holy Spirit to overflowing. I acknowledge that my salvation and this infilling of the Holy Spirit is a gift of grace.  I praise you and wait on you. I believe that I have the gift of tongues because I receive it by faith. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Now focus on the Lord and let him give you foreign words to say that you do not understand. He will not force you to pray. You must do the praying, and when you do, you will give God thanks well.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

There is a Peace

There is a peace that can insulate us from the chaos
The clamor of our “cling-clang” world does not have to deafen us
We can rise above the rat race
Though its speed be super sonic

We can rest in the arms of the Almighty
Find our peace in Him
As we behold His serene and loving face
Oh Prince of Peace You set this prisoner free

Gave me feet to dance on hills of adversity
You bring calm to my confusion
Ease to my dis-ease
And You rejuvenate me
As water cascades down the mountain

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Lead Me to the Rock

Lead Me to the Rock

From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.  Psalm 61:2-3

We all go through trials.  It is during these times that we become more desperate for the Lord to act.  When trouble leans upon us and its shadow lurks, our hearts can grow faint.

We must ask the Lord to lead us to Him.  He will help us to look up to that higher place where Jesus is seated.  With His help we can stand upon the rock.  He will cover us.  He will hold us and protect us.  When we are in Him, we are surrounded by a mighty fortress.

He causes us to stay still amidst the storm.  Here we can speak to the mountains in our life and watch the Lord move them out of our way.  In Him we are strong and not weak.  Through Christ, we can do all things. Nothing shall be impossible to us in prayer as long as our will agrees with the will of our Creator.

Dear Lord My Refuge,

I cry out to you.  Help me to trust in You when I face trouble.  Lead me to Your high place and teach me to rest in Your loving arms.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

We Will Not Fear

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.  Psalm 46:1-2

During the summer of 1998, I took a missions trip to China with five other people from our church.  We ministered in the underground churches which are not sanctioned by the Communist government.  A friend of mine and I traveled to Shanghai where we were asked to preach in an underground Christian gathering. At the end of the service, a group of us went to a house in the village.  It was late at night and the owner of the home suddenly warned us all to be quiet and to go into one of the bedrooms. 

Outside, the Chinese police combed the area with flashlights. My friend and I prayed quietly and put our trust in the Lord. We were the only white-skinned individuals in the area.  Our lives were probably not in grave danger, but if we were caught for proclaiming Christ under the Communist regime, we could be forced out of the country. The Chinese Christians who were with us were in much greater peril.

We waited in silence for about 20 minutes till we were told that the officers had passed us by.  Then my friend and I called for a taxi and made it back to our hotel.

God protected all of us and, although adrenaline rushed through my body, I was not afraid.  I believed God would take care of us.  We later learned that a minister friend of ours in the States was praying for us at that exact time. I am sure my lack of fear was a direct result of our friend’s prayers. 

You too can trust the Lord in difficult situations.  He promises to take care of you.  God is forever faithful.  When trouble comes, we can choose not to fear.

Dear God My Refuge,

I thank you for always being there for me.  No matter what, you never leave me.  Help me to place my trust in you during difficult times.  I thank you for your hand on my life and your peace in my heart.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

One Summer day a boy and his older cousin were wading in the salty waters of the Mediterranean Sea in Greece. The young man said to the four year old boy, “You can swim! Just move your arms and kick your feet like this.” He motioned with his arms.

The boy dove into the deeper waters. He began to inhale alkaline liquid while coughing and flailing his arms and legs.

His father, Jim, spotted his son, whose feet pierced through the waves. He grabbed his son and thrust him above the waters. The boy violently coughed up water while squeezing his father. In minutes he resumed normal breathing. All was well.

This was a true story. That boy was me. Jim is my father.

The story reminds me that we should place our trust in the Lord and not in others. My dad is like Father God in this story. My cousin represents other voices.

When we place our trust in the Lord He’s quick to save us.

Who are you trusting in?

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there. God Bless you for all you do!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Morning Sun

The morning sun rises in the east
Your mercies to me each day are free
You've given me eyes to see
Your beauty

You came to cleanse me from my sin
My heart's unshackled from within
The Spirit fills me to the brim
In this battle I win

God is more than enough
You overflow my cup
Nothing's impossible with You
All your promises are true

The evening sun fades in the west
Because of You, all my days are blessed
In You I stand the test
For You are my righteousness

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Two-Edged Sword

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

We know from Ephesians 6 that the sword of the Spirit is an offensive weapon used for Spiritual warfare. It is a weapon in our mouths against Satan and his forces. It is the spoken word of God. But God also uses His word to encourage us and to disciple us.  

The word of God is a two-edged sword. It builds up and it tears us down. It declares who we are in Christ and it corrects us so we can better conform to the character of Christ.

The Bible is also a mirror. When we look into it, we see how God sees us. We see ourselves victorious in Christ. We see ourselves healed. We see ourselves blessed, but God also shows us our sinful habits and attitudes so He can transform us.

God’s word brings life to our spirits but death to our flesh. It is a two-edged sword.

We need God’s word desperately. It is food for our souls. Let’s spend time daily reading, studying and meditating on it. It has the power to encourage, strengthen and change us.

Dear Father God,

Give me revelation knowledge of Your word. Let it reveal to me my identity in Christ. Let it highlight areas in my life that need to mature. By your grace and by your Spirit enable me to change. Thank you Lord. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Faith is a Rest

Faith is not feverish striving
It is not wrestling a greased pig to the floor
It is not a forever war
Or a Mount Everest climb without a reprieve

Faith is a rest
The battle is won
Faith is a hammock in the shade
We rest on His promises to us.

In the midst of the storm
We can sleep
Trust in the Lord
And you will never be ashamed
Trust in Him and be freed from all fear

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Seed

The yellow seed once rested in the cob of corn
Surrounded by a leathery husk
Summer gave way to Autumn leaves
Soon the seed plummeted to the ground
Death overshadowed it

The cold air breathed over it
Then rain and sun took their turns
Death gave way to life

And the small seed sprouted
Over time the plant matured
It gave birth to two cobs
And multiple seeds then festooned both of them

Our faith is like a seed
We must die to ourselves
To bring forth a harvest
Are you ready to dive into the soil
To produce multiplied fruit

Obedience to and oneness with  the Master
Is the only way

Happy harvest

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Our Great Refuge

Seasons come and seasons go.  Our lives can be humdrum or they can feel like rollercoasters on steroids. These past few weeks have been challenging to say the least.  For the past two-and-a-half years my Dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  The disease has been steadily progressing.  My wonderful and kind father has had the need for a caregiver for some time now. 

He has recently become more unstable on his feet.  After a few minor falls, we realized he needed a caregiver round-the-clock to help him.

Within days of this new change, we received a phone call.  Our caregiver said that my mom was seated on the foot of her bed and was acting unusual.  She could not speak normally but instead was babbling.  Lou, my wife, told my caregiver to call 911.

After arriving at the hospital, our suspicions were realized – my mom had had a stroke. The doctors performed several cat scans.  The results showed damage to the left hemisphere of her brain.  This meant that the right side of her body was affected.  It also meant that the part of the brain that controls speech and language were impacted.

Thankfully, my brother John was visiting from California at the time.  He was a big help.  He extended his flight a number of days to stay with mom and to be of assistance.
My wife has also been a gigantic blessing and support.  Since she practiced medicine in the Philippines, she has a great deal of medical knowledge.  And she has helped in numerous other ways.
I am so grateful she is in my life.

Lou and I asked for prayer from a number of people and we too called out to God for His assistance and healing presence.  The Lord has been a refuge for us in our time of need.  During my quiet time on the day my mom had her stroke, the Lord gave me Psalm 46 which starts out like this: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”  The Lord gave this to me before the event occurred (the date was December 29, 2018).

Mom has taken great strides in her recovery. She has been moved to a rehab hospital.   Her speech is fairly clear though she still struggles to say things at times.  She is walking with a walker and can go up a few stairs at a time.  She is scheduled to come home on January 18 and then will go to outpatient therapy.

We ordered a hospital bed for my Dad and it arrived today.  He seems to like it.  It has guard rails that keep him from falling.  He can no longer travel upstairs to his bedroom.
I am thankful to God for his unseen hand.  He has truly been at work.  We know He will continue to amaze us.  For those who have been praying for our family, we can’t thank you enough.  We feel the effect of your prayers.
This is a season in our lives where trouble seemed to have the upper hand but God showed us He is our great Refuge.

Jesus is bigger than our need. 
He is taller than our mountain,
And deeper than any sea.
He will help us when we call to Him
On bended knee.