You’re body was raised and suspended
The focal point of the ages
The vertical beam
Bridging heaven and earth
From one bloody hand on the left
To the crimson-stained hand on the right
Your suffering forged the way for forgiveness
Between family members
Between races
You purchased our unity
They mocked You as Your
Torn flesh writhed with pain
The masses were violently opposed to You
And the Father looked away
They gambled for your garments
But you forgave the thief
You paved the way for him to dwell in Paradise
You asked the Father to forgive us
For we put You there on that cross
It was our sin and supreme insensitivity that nailed You
The sky grew dark
Then you said, “It is finished!”
And the world will never be the same.
Because of what You did on that cross
That tool of execution
And because of Your resurrection,
Billions of chains were broken
Those that trust in You are a new people
Free to live and free to love
But most of all, free to know You
Savior of the world