Sunday, December 16, 2018

To Treasure and To Ponder

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.  Luke 2:19

The shepherds watched over their flocks that night.  Then the heavens lit up with the glory of God, and the shepherds quaked with fear.

And an angel announced, “Do not be afraid.  I bring good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you, he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you; you will find him wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger.”

After the heavenly vision ceased, the shepherds looked for the baby and found Jesus wrapped in cloth and in a manger as the angel said.  When Mary learned about the angel’s visitation and of all that he said, she treasured and pondered these things in her heart.

When God speaks to us, we too can ponder the words and impressions that we sense from the Holy Spirit and from the word of God.

A good soup takes time to make.  The cook must allow the ingredients to boil and simmer long enough for the flavor to permeate the soup.  Then we can taste its richness. 

When we ponder over something the Lord has spoken over us, our revelation of the Lord, his word, and His plan for our lives grows in depth and richness.

When Mary heard the shepherds tell her of the angel’s declaration that Jesus was Savior, Messiah and Lord, it must have bolstered her faith.  It also helped her to understand her role as the mother of this miraculous child.

Let’s treasure the times when our Lord reveals himself to us.  Let’s ponder over the words He speaks and then let’s let his word propel us to action.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Just One

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”  Matthew 9:37-3 (NKJV)

I am just one of them.  One of the laborers that harvest in His field.  I am not someone special.  He is special.  Jesus deserves all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise. 
If you’ve answered the call to go and win souls and to make disciples, then you are also a laborer for Him.

This is not a position that demands the praise of men.  We are not of great significance on our own.  In fact the scripture says that apart from Jesus, we are nothing.
You and I are vessels.  God wants to use us to bring His glory to others.  On that day when Jesus rode the donkey and all the people praised him, was the donkey a mighty steed worthy of great praise? No, Jesus used him but our Lord rightly received the adoration.

The truth is that we are all highly flawed.  We, as His vessels, are imperfect.  Paul said we could become vessels of honor.  Let’s strive to do that in the Holy Spirit’s power.  Let’s walk in purity and faithfulness to our God.  But even if we are vessels of honor, we are still unworthy of the task of winning souls for Him.

The good news is that as born again believers we have been made righteous through the spilling of the Savior’s blood.  Yes, we are righteous and we have been made complete in Him.  But let’s never forget that our own righteousness is likened to filthy rags. 

I don’t care if you call yourself an apostle, a prophet, an evangelist, a pastor, a teacher, a doctor, a musician or an author, the truth is you are one of the laborers in our Lord’s kingdom.  It doesn’t matter how many medals you’ve won or how many degrees you print after your name, without Jesus we are worthless.

Let’s not become filled with our own importance.  After all is said and done, we are only His laborers, but in the Father’s eyes, that is truly a beautiful thing.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Becoming Thankful and Joyful

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”  Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.  Philippians 2:14-16

Our attitude determines our altitude.  This is so true.  When we take the position, throughout the day, of being thankful and joyful, our lives shine.  The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  When we are thankful and joyful, we possess the wherewithal to overcome little and large circumstances.

A cheerful heart is also good medicine according to Proverbs.  It is healthy to have a joyful heart.

When we avoid grumbling and complaining and learn to praise our God throughout the day, we become winsome witnesses of the gospel.  No one wants to take advice from someone that is depressed and always complaining.  In Philippians, it says that when we cease from complaining and arguing, we shine like the stars in the sky.  Unbelievers will take notice of us.

Let’s make it our ambition to be thankful and joyful and let’s let our praise resound each day.  With this attitude, we will rise, we will shine, and we will become winsome witnesses in a world that is warped, crooked and hungry for the truth.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Those that Know Their God

“… but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Daniel 11:32b KJV

A person who intimately knows God is not easily intimidated.  They have fortitude. They possess strength, strength that comes from God.  They also are known for doing exploits.  This includes moving in the gifts of the Spirit like healing and prophesy.  It also includes being an effective witness for the Lord. 

A person who knows God will also understand who they are in Christ, for this is connected to their relationship with Him.  The Holy Spirit reveals who we are in Christ as we spend time with Him in the secret place. 

People who intimately know God are also human.  They miss the mark, but they have learned to get back up after every fall.  They know how to receive God’s forgiveness.  They understand the importance of repentance.

Let’s examine our hearts and see how we can better know our God.  With His help we can be characterized by uncompromising strength.  We can also be known as a people who do exploits.  Our nation and the world needs believers who possess these traits. 

Let’s pray…

Dear Father God,

Help me to know You more.  Teach me who I am in Christ. Make me strong, and use me for Your glory.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Walking with God

Here is the latest devotion of mine that was published in christiandevotions.usa.  I hope it ministers to you.  Just click on the title. 

Blessings to You

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

When God Says Wait

It has been said that God always answers our prayers - sometimes with a yes, sometimes with a no, and sometimes He tells us to wait.  After the birth of Jesus, the shepherds who had seen and heard the heavenly host praising God at the entrance of Christ in the earth shared what they saw with Mary and Joseph.  The dramatic scene indicated the great significance of Jesus’ life.  The scripture says that she pondered this news within her heart.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit gives us glimpses of His will for our lives.  He shows us things to come.  We cannot make God’s will happen in our lives.  We have to trust in His timing and in His way.
Has God shown you something that speaks of your future?  We must be patient to see that thing come into fruition.  We must be faithful to Him with what is before us, while we wait with hope in our hearts for the promise.

When we pray for something that is God’s will, we sometimes must wait for the manifestation.  Let’s be faithful to him in the meantime.  Let’s be strong in faith and expectation. 

In the waiting, God changes us.  Isaiah 40:30-31 tells us that when we wait for God, He increases our strength and He causes us to soar on wings like eagles.

When we pray and God says yes, we can rejoice.  When He says no, we can be thankful that He knows what’s best for us. And when God says wait, we can receive God’s strength as we are filled with hope believing for what is promised to come to pass.

Friday, September 21, 2018


Saturday, September 8, 2018

For Those Who Serve Him

Did you know God favors those who serve him?  John 12:26 says, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me."  NIV 

When we surrender our lives to Christ and His cause, we find ourselves in the place where God's blessings abound.  When we serve Him, He promises to give us peace, power, purpose, joy and fulfillment.  He promises to meet our every need.  We do not earn His blessings, but as we place the Lord on the throne of our lives, we come into the position where God's best becomes ours.  He will answer our prayers.  He will provide, as we place our faith in His precious promises.  This does not mean our lives will be trouble-free.  It does, however, mean that God will take good care of us.  He is a good Father and He loves us.  So let's serve Him faithfully - not so we can be blessed, but to honor Him above all else.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Tremendous Trial

This is a word for someone who's going through a tremendous trial.  The winds and waves are causing you to sink.  You are afraid that you won't make it.

"I am here," says the Lord.  "Take My hand and I will cause you to walk upon the waters.  I love you my child.  I will heal.  I will save.  I will restore.  If you will just trust Me, I will bring you out of the storm.  I am your Deliverer.  So put your trust in Me.  Stand upon My word and know that I will bring you out.  I will save.  I will deliver because My love for you is great," says the Lord.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Stephen the Beggar

He wore a soiled white shirt and a pair of ripped slacks.  His matted hair flopped in the wind and he had heavy eyes. The beggar, Stephen, held out his cup, “Could you please give me a little money to live on.  I am without a job right now and I need some to buy food.”  He turned fifty five this day and he had been on the streets since his twenties.  He used to be a policeman till he lost his buddy in a shootout.  He never forgave himself believing his friend’s loss occurred due to his negligence.
There Stephen stood year after year, day after day until a young girl approached him.  “Excuse me sir.”


“I just wanted to let you know that Jesus loves you very much.  Here is a pamphlet that talks about what He’s done for you and me and everyone else.  Also, here’s a sandwich for you to eat.  God Bless you!”

“Thank you.  I promise to read it.”

Stephen devoured his salami sandwich and opened the pamphlet.  Inside, he found a picture of Christ on the cross.  Tears welled up in his eyes when he began to read of God’s great love for him and how Jesus offers complete forgiveness for his sins.  After reading the tract, he prayed aloud the concluding words and asked Jesus to be the Lord of his life.  He felt the burden of his sins melt away like ice on  a summer day. 

After three weeks, a man approached his corner.  He asked, “I am developing a team of individuals to do yard work in this area.  I will train you, and I pay competitively. Would you like to work for me?
Stephen thought, all these years without a job.  I am frightened at the idea, but I have to believe that Jesus has something to do with this…

“Sir, I will work for you.”

That began his journey back into society.  Stephen joined a church and God began prospering him.  He was quick to give to the Lord’s work, and he learned to serve as an usher at the worship center he attended.

This story is fictional but it shows us the difference we can make when we sow seeds of love to others.  Let’s share God’s word with the spiritually needy.  Let’s feed the hungry and pray for the sick.  God can use us in many ways if we’ll just be faithful and available.  Our efforts do have an effect on those around us.  Remember Christ’s commission to go into all the world, and remember His great commandments to love Him and others.

God Bless,


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Free at Last

You found me, when I could not find myself
You saved me, when I was drowning
You healed me, when sickness had the upper hand

You shined your light upon me, when darkness dulled my senses
Victory is mine before I shout
So I sing Your praises aloud

When burdens pressed my shoulders down
You inverted my frown
You caused joy in me to abound
Praise is the sound
Praise is the sound

You transform my life
As I give each piece  to You
Abiding in love, abiding in the truth

Because of You I am free at last
And all I had to do was ask
Because of You I am free at last
And all I had to do was ask

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Greatest Privilege of All

He (Jesus) replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.  I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”  Luke 10:19 NIV parentheses mine.

Jesus appointed seventy-two believers and sent them two by two to preach the gospel and to heal the sick and cast out demons in his name.  These “sent-ones” enjoyed enormous success. They returned with joy and said to Jesus that even the demons submit us in Your name.  

Our Lord's response was intriguing.  On one hand he encouraged them; he affirmed them by declaring the authority that was given them over Satan.  But he also told them they were to rejoice that their names were written in heaven not because of the authority they possess through the name of Jesus.  Jesus was pointing out that their relationship with the Father was to be their number one concern. 

At this time, Jesus beamed with joy and said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.  Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.” (Luke 10:21 NIV)  It takes someone with a childlike heart to believe that God has given us power to defeat the enemy; it takes someone who has a genuine relationship with the Lord, someone who is not wise in their own eyes to find victory in spiritual warfare.  Psalm 8:2 says, “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”  Here the Scripture refers to praise as one of the weapons we have against the Devil, but also notice that this victory is given to children and infants or to those with a childlike heart before God.

Let's embrace the authority that the Lord has granted us.  When we pray in faith, mountains move and demons flee in terror.  But let us not glory in the power that has been delegated to us; rather, let's glory in the intimate relationship we have with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, we have been given the greatest privilege.  We now have free access into the throne room of God; for knowing Him is the greatest privilege of all!

Dear Father God,

I praise You and worship You.  I thank you for giving me victory over the enemy.  But Lord I am filled with praise and awe because You chose me to have an abiding relationship with You. Help me to know You more and more intimately as I walk with You.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, June 4, 2018

My Peace

Here is a prophetic word I gave at church last Mother's Day.  I hope it is a blessing to you...

Peace to you - My peace.  My peace passes all understanding.  Where my peace is, you can rest. 
Where my peace is, wholeness dwells.  I want my peace to reign in your hearts.  Cast your cares on Me for I care for you.

I will envelop you in My love.  You are righteous before Me, because of the blood of My Son Jesus.  Know that you are right with Me.  Confess any sin to me and know that I forgive.

I have come to give you peace.  Receive My gift of peace to you this day for I am a good God, and I love you immensely and infinitely. 

Friday, May 25, 2018

The Power of God's Word

Here is a devotion of mine on the importance of God’s Word that was published today at
I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

He Causes Me to Triumph

I spent the night in the desert
Resting on thorns
I felt the heat of adversity
Burning my skin red
I saw the face of evil
Heard the voices of those with forked tongues

Yet You were with me
You guided me in the night
You brought me to a safe haven
You gave me victory
I rejoice in my triumph

The enemy, not man, desired to do me in
I was on his agenda
But the Holy Spirit comforted me
He gave me the words as a weapon
To annihilate my adversary

Praise be to God, who always causes me to triumph!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

This Great Adventure

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor… Isaiah 61-1-2a

Jesus partially fulfilled this prophesy through His ministry.  I say “partially” because those that follow Him also have a part to play in living out this word.  We are called to reach those that don’t know the Savior.  We have been chosen to share our testimony and the grace-filled gospel to those in darkness.

You and I can proclaim liberty for the captives.  We can see lives transformed by the power of Christ’s death and resurrection.  Each of us are ambassadors for Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:20).  We do not have to be ashamed of the gospel.  Ask God today to fill you with His Spirit.  Ask Him today to make you bold for Him, then step out in His ability. 

Reach out to the people in your world that do not know Jesus.  Look for opportunities to winsomely share your relationship with the Lord to others.

Living like this not only changes others, it transforms us as well.  Being used of the Lord in this way is both thrilling and rewarding.  If you haven’t already, won’t you join me on this great adventure. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I am Free

I am a free man
No longer caged behind bars
I am a free man
I now can soar above the stars

Chains that held my ankles and wrists
They dissolve from a solid to a mist

Jesus Christ He bore my sin
Freed my heart from bonds within

Joy unspeakable and full of glory
I love to tell salvation story

I'm free, I'm free, I'm free
My Master liberated me