Sunday, June 14, 2015

Prophetic Word Regarding Intimacy with God

Here is a prophetic word that I gave today at FaithBridge Church in West Chicago, Illinois. 

When I gave My life up upon the cross, I tore the veil of separation. I made it possible for you to come near. You can now come boldly unto the throne of grace. I will give you what you need. I will answer your prayers. I will draw near to you and you, My people, can come near to me. I will not push you away. I have made the way for you to come near. So lay your burdens at my feet and be welcomed in My embrace.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Christ's Blood Set Me Free

My head was upraised
My neck stiff and arrogant
The world was my home
Self sat comfortably on the throne
I went with the flow
Canoed the murky river

Yet Someone called my name
It was an odd voice
I heard it once before
When a gospel salesman came to my door
A salesman not greedy for the stuff of this earth
His heart was an open door
But I stiffened

This second time I turned to listen
The voice came through a gospel singer
He sang and spoke of freedom

I ran to the cross
Exchanged the chains that engulfed me
For a crown

Jesus saved me
Not through an effort of my own
But through His sacrifice alone

Now I climb the mountain
Swim against the tide
Now I choose to bring the gospel far and wide

Grace is the Banner over me
Christ’s blood set me free