Friday, December 26, 2014

The Day After Christmas

What was the day after the first Christmas like? I suppose Joseph and Mary's minds swirled with wonder. I'm sure they had little or no sleep the previous night. Their baby was born, and the angels had proclaimed His importance. As Mary pondered these things in her heart, the baby quietly cried for milk. Joseph and Mary sat amidst the animals, cuddling their little one. Mary gently satisfied Jesus' thirst. A sheep “baaed” then a cow “mooed”. Perhaps they were praising the newborn Son of God. Perhaps they too wanted to be fed.

Joseph smiled as he looked at their Miracle. He realized that this was the beginning of something special. He felt the weight upon his shoulders. He must train this child and lead Him in the ways of God. He must be a strong godly example for Him. Little did he know that this Jesus would lead not only himself, but all of mankind into a relationship with God the Father. Jesus would give his life for this cause. Jesus the baby will grow in wisdom and stature under the covering of His parents, but it would be through His relationship with God the Father that he would truly become all He was meant to be.

If you haven't invited the One called Jesus into your life, why not call on His name now. Admit your a sinner in need of His forgiveness. Forsake your sin and come to Him. Here is a prayer that you can pray. If you mean it with all of your heart, you will become His very own, you will begin a new relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You will find a love so full and real that it has transformed the lives of millions. And you will inherit everlasting life in heaven, when you pass on.

Dear Father God,
Thank you for Your love for me. Thank you for sending Jesus as a baby so He could grow and show me how to live. I acknowledge that I am a sinner. Please forgive me and wash my sullied soul. I need your mercy. Thank you for dying for me on the cross. I forsake my sin and I cling to You. Jesus be Lord of my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I am Complete in Christ

I am complete in Christ
My sense of completion is not based on what I do
It's not diminished
When my grasp does not reach my ambition
It's not what I have or wish to gain
That makes me significant
My significance comes from
Being in Christ
I am complete in Christ

My identity is rooted in
The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ
When He died, I died
When He was buried, I was buried
When He rose, I rose
I am complete in Christ

It is good for me to develop my talents
It is good to serve the Lord
But my number one aspiration must be to know the Lord
I am complete in Christ

Even the act of praising and worshiping the Lord
Does not make me complete
If it lacks adoration that stems from a pure relationship with Christ.
I am complete in Christ

In Christ
In what He did for me upon that tree

In Christ I am complete  

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Pray for the Philippines

Please pray with me for the Philippines.  There is a hurricane headed for their shores.

Dear Father God,

We pray for the Philippines this day.  Lord, protect this nation and it's people.  We plead Your blood over the nation.  We speak to this storm, "Be still and know that Jesus is God!  We command you to miss every island of the Philippines and to cause no one harm!" Thank you Lord for moving in this way.  In Jesus name we pray.  Amen.